Consequences of Grief

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Part two of A Night of Firsts from the previous NaruHina fair! Read that first or you might be lost reading this!

Chapter Five

Consequences of Grief

Prompt: Pregnancy

Hinata jerked awake, heart pounding against her ribs as loud banging cut through her dreamless, fitful slumber.

Bright light crept around the drawn curtains, and she winced as a stray beam hit her square in the face. Groggy and confused, Hinata turned sluggishly in her narrow bed, leaning away from the light, blinking slowly as her drowsy brain struggled to come fully online.

Another round of forceful knocks battered her dorm room door.

Startled, Hinata glanced at the wooden panel then at the bed across from her.

It was empty, the sheets in disarray, the pillow on the floor beside it.

Her roommate Fū wasn't the most punctual person in the world, and from the state of her bed, Hinata could surmise two things.

One, her roommate had left for class in a hurry, failing to uphold her personal vow to leave in plenty of time to reach her midday classes this semester.

Two, considering it was her noon classes Fū was constantly late for, that put the current time somewhere after noon and before three o'clock, meaning, Hinata had slept the morning away and missed her morning lecture and half of lab.


She'd agonize over that fact if she wasn't so bone tired.

Heaving a exhausted groan, Hinata pushed herself up, her gaze swinging apprehensively to the door as the knocking came again.

Louder now.

More insistent.

She didn't really have any friends at her University and that stood to reason she never had visitors.

It had to be someone for Fū.

"Can you stop fuckin banging on the goddamn door!" a gravelly, muffled voice shouted from across the hall, "some of us are hung the fuck over and tryna sleep asshole!"

Whoever it was clearly wasn't intimidated by Tayuya and her temper, because another round of beating started up, rattling her wooden door with it voracity.

A door opened, it's metal hinges screeching, before it hit a wall with enough force to make Hinata wince.

"Knock one more fuckin time!" Tayuya roared, "one more time and I'll-!"

"Fuck off!" a familiar voice roared back, "I'm not leaving until I see who I came to see!"

Her stomach dropped, queasiness that had nothing to do with her usual morning ailment brought bile to the back of her throat.

Please no...

"I don't give a fuck who you're here to see!" Tayuya shouted, sounding closer now, "shut the fuck up, or I'll rip your balls off and shove em' down your fuckin throat!"

"Try it bitch!"

Hinata rushed for the door, throwing it open as a painful ache took up residence in her chest.

"Kiba-kun," she croaked, watery eyes fused to the brother she'd been avoiding for months.

Time slowed.

They stared at each other.

"Fuckin finally!" Tayuya grouched, "next person that wakes me up is getting their ass whooped!"

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