Start from the beginning

"She's good. She flew back into the city two nights ago."

I nod at her words and take a drink from my water before placing it down and standing behind Alicia to spot her.

"What do you plan on doing for your birthday?" Alicia asks, making her first squat.

I watch as she squats and forget to answer her question.


My eyes jolt to the mirror in front of us and I find Alicia's eyes on mine, a shy smile across her face.

I begin to blush involuntarily. "What did you say?"

She starts her next rep and I keep my eyes on her face. "What are your birthday plans?"

I cross my arms and look around the room through the mirror in front of us. "I'm not sure. I haven't given it much thought."

If I had it my way, I'd celebrate in a different country. Far away from Thousand Oaks and far away from her.

"We should get the group together and travel somewhere." Alicia suggests, as if reading my mind.

I smile at her suggestion. "And where should we go?"

She finishes her set and places the bar on the rack. Turning to face me, she shrugs. "Anywhere you want."

I look at the ceiling and begin to think. "Not New York and definitely not Mexico."

She lets out a laugh as she packs her things to conclude our two hour workout.


I grab my bag as she begins making her way towards the exit. "I'd rather go to Europe but I don't think I want to spring that on the group last minute. Maybe the Caribbean?" I add.

"Ohhh, I like that idea." She says. "Considering it's been pouring here."

We exit the gym to find a downpour of rain and the sound of thunder in the distance. I look across the parking lot and unlock my car. "I can bring the car around if you want to wait."

She shrugs. "It's okay. I'm already gross."

We make our way across the parking lot and, by habit, I place my hand on her waist to ensure she doesn't slip. Reaching the car, we climb inside and look at one another. Completely soaked, we begin to laugh at how uncomfortable we feel.

"If I'm not in a shower within the next twenty minutes, I'll start crying." She says, grabbing her seatbelt.

I smile at her words as I start my car with the push of a button. I shake my head and reach to turn on the heat. "What's a little rain?"

"My clothes are sticking to me." She complains, wiping her face with her hands.

"You could always take them off." I say, nonchalantly.

I place the car in REVERSE and back out of the parking spot. Noticing she hasn't said anything, I place the car in DRIVE and look over at her. Sitting in the passenger seat with her lips slightly parted, she searches for a response.

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