Chapter 9

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Archontas's POV.

I groaned softly as I slowly opened my eyes, my vision was blurry so I wasn't able to see my surroundings. I tried to lift my neck only to be stopped by a paw. My eyes widened in fear as I immediately thought it had been Knockout. "Easy it's ok young one, you're safe." I panted as I looked up as I didn't recognize the voice. I squinted my eyes slightly as my vision cleared, soon seeing the owner over the voice.

A white an orange male stood next to me, his paw gently placed on my neck to keep me from getting up. I was still scared but my instincts were telling me that this male was not going to hurt me. I slowly relaxed an let him help lay my head back down. "w-where am I?" I asked as I sounded a bit raspy, making me realize how thirsty I was. "You're in the Autobots territory, in our healing den." I glanced over as I watched the male move around me.

I watched as he picked up a bowl an walk over to me. I soon realized it was water as he brought it to my lips. I lifted my head slightly with the males help. Him keeping my head up as he held the bowl to my lips. I eagerly drank the water till the bowl was empty. I gasped softly an sighed relieved "thank you....." The male nodded gently an smiled before moving to put the bowl back. I laid my head back down a bit an remembered his words. "How long was i out?" I looked over to him as he added a few logs to the fire in the middle of the room.

The warmth of the flames bringing comforting as I had been left in a cold cave. "Several days." I looked at him shocked "i-i was out that long? B-but what of my clan?" I still didn't believe that my whole clan had been whipped out. The male turned to me as I spoke but stayed silent. I could see sorrow and pity in his eyes an expression. My fins lowered in disbelief as my stomach dropped. Tears formed in my eyes as I shook my head slightly. "Father...No..."

I shut my eyes tightly as I cried as i now knew that Megatrons...that monster's words were true. I tensed as I felt the males paw on my back. I turned my head as he now stood beside of me. "I am sorry young one....." He said in a apologetic tone, I slowly relaxed before I looked to the ground. "I know you just woke but it is very late in the night. You should try an rest more, once it's morning I will inform our alpha. He'll be able to answer more of your questions, I'm sure you have." I looked to the male as he spoke.

I sighed softly as I nodded an slowly laid my head back down. "My I least know your name?"  I asked as I watched the male walk around an laid on the other side of the fire. Him laying down as well before looking to me. "My name is Ratchet, I am the clans medic." He explained before he looked to her. "My I know yours?" I listened to him closely and as he spoke before I answered. "A-Archontas, my name is Archontas" I said as I watched him, he offered a gentle smile to me. "A very lovely name" he said before laying his head down as well.

"Now, get some rest." He said before he closed his eyes. I watched him a bit before I turned my head away. A few tears falling down my snout as I closed my eyes an slowly slipped into a restless  sleep.

I hoped you guys enjoyed it.

Please leave a comment of what you think.

And sorry it took so long.

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