Chapter 2

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Archontas's Pov.

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, i looked around seeing i was in an unfamiliar place. "Ah and the princess awakes." My head snapped over to the voice, seeing a familiar bright red male. Then it hit me like a land slide as I tried to quickly stand to get away from Knockout. I felt something keeping from doing so, my eyes widened as I was chained to the cave floor. The male chuckled at my struggle, I looked back to him as he came closer. "Stay back." I growled as I tried to open my wings, but I quickly realized they were tied tightly to my sides with chains as well. The metal digging into my scales hurting as I looked back to the male. 

"I wouldn't even bother darling; you have no fire to metal those, nor do you have the straight to break them~" I glared as he spoke, he came closer as I hissed "You come any closer and i can really show my true straight." I barked at him. He just smirked as he watched me, staying just out of my reach "I'd like to see you try darling~" he had leaned his head closer to me, I growled as I swung my head forward and headbutted him as hard as I could. I watched as he stumbled back holding his head in his paw, I huffed a small smirk "Don't need a element to hurt someone." I said.

"You fucking bitch!" he growled as his tail lit up with electricity, my smirk disappeared as I closed my eyes tight readying myself for the blow. "Enough Knockout." I opened my eyes as I heard the booming voice of another male. Both of us turned to the sentence of the cave i was held in. My body seemed to just get smaller as the large dark silver and purple male entered the room. I was barely haft his size as I stared up at him, I still kept myself from showing any fear. I watched as the new males eyes roamed my form "You sure she is of Alpha blood, she is small?" he turned to Knockout, acting as if I wasn't there like an object.

"Yes my lord, Breakdown and I have been watching her clan for weeks and she is the daughter of the alpha." Knockout had long shook his tail of his element as he spoke to the much larger male. 'Lord? An Alpha, no wonder my body felt intimidated at his presents.' I watched as he nodded and looked back to me. "Female, what is your name?" I glared up to him as he stood in front of me, towering over me. "I do not have to answer anything yo-" I was cut off as he pinned my head to the ground, i felt a light headed at the quick action as my head hit the ground. "i won't ask again female!" the silver male had leaned his head down to my level as he growled lowly to me. I whimpered at the pain as he added more pressure "A-Archontas..." I stuttered out as I looked to him.

He didn't move as he stared at me, I shallowed hard as I spoke "W-Why am I here?" I felt him move his paw off my head, his claws had hurt as they dug in my scales. "You'll find out soon enough, when will she be able to bare hatchlings?" he turned to Knockout, my eyes widened as I lifted my head to watch them. "She just turned of age a few days ago, she'll be able to sometime very soon Lord Megatron." Megatron looked to me with a dark smirk, my tail curled up between my legs. "Tho I do warn you, being she is barely haft the size you are, mating may prove to be more difficult on her." Knockout finished as he looked to me as well.

I then glared as I felt my blood boil "You have no right! My father will have your head!" I hissed as I would never mate to this tyrant. Megatron just chuckled darkly as he came closer to me, I tried backing away but he grabbed my snout as he held me in place. "Your father can't do anything, your clan is dead." I felt my heart sink as my eyes widened at the news "Y-Your lying! M-My father will come for me." I felt tears in my eyes as he roughing let go on my snout. "Oh but I am not lying, my dear~. I suggest you get comfortable because nor your father or clan will come to your rescue." I shivered in disgust as he had leaned in close and whispered in my ear. 

"Knockout, no one is to enter this cave. And if you even think about touching my breeder, you will pay dearly for it." Megatron growled to the smaller grounder dragon. "Y-Yes my lord." with that they both left the cave. I couldn't stop the tears that left my eyes, everyone she knew was gone. 'What am I going to do?' she thought as she cried.

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