Chapter 10

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Optimus' POV

I sat deep in my den as I looked over a map of my territory. Scrolls and ink sat on a slab I had turned into a makeshift desk. I dipped a quil into the ink a couple times before I continued writing on a scroll as I looked over the map. The map also showed the neighboring packs or clans. I sighed as I looked to the young females territory, which I had marked out her clans name.

I turned back to the scroll I was writing on as I finished the report. We had been unable to find any survivors, which left the female the soul survivor. I gently placed the quil back in the ink an left it there as I let the ink on the scroll set. "Optimus, may I enter?" I lifted my head as I looked towards the entrance. I stood as I made my way out of my studies. My den was the largest an had many rooms as the alpha was responsible for everything, including writing the reports of clans that no longer hold rights to the territory.

"You may" I called out as I stopped in the main area of my den an closet too the entrance. Soon I saw a familiar orange male crawling through the entrance. "Ratchet" I greeted my friend as I lowered my head, him doing the same as he bowed his head. We both raised our heads once more as I spoke. "How is the female's condition?" I asked as I knew that she had been out for days now. I was worried for the young female an was hoping for the best.

"She is alright, no infections and she has woken up." Ratchet explained as I lifted my head "I came over to let you know, you can come over when your schedule allows it." "Nonsense, I am able to now." I stated as this was a bit more important than a few scrolls. He nodded an with that we both made our way out of my den an too the healers den. It was still early in the morning, only a few up as they kept watch. Ultra Magnus being one of them, which the second in command bowed his head in respect as his leader passed.

I bowed my head gently in reply before continuing behind Ratchet. I stopped as I let Ratchet go into the den first before I followed after him. I poked my head in first an paused in the entrance as I watched Ratchet walk over an greet the female before motioning to me. At that I finished coming into the den an slowly approached the two. As I came to a stop across from them, the female had sat up an bowed her head in respect to me. "Alpha, I can't thank you an your clan enough for my rescue."

I smiled gently before I motioned for her to raise her head. "There is no need to address me as Alpha, You can call me Optimus." I corrected her gently as I bowed my head slightly an looked back to her. I sat with her as I explained our findings of her clan and answered all her questions as best I could. I gave a sympathetic look as I had said her clan had all been killed. I more than understood the pain she felt. "I'm truly sorry for your losses Miss Archontas"

I lowered my head to show my respects "thank you but you don't have to use Miss, just Archontas is fine" I smiled gently as I lifted my head but I turned to Ratchet approached me. I lowered my head to his level an let him whisper something. "We need to talk a moment alone" I nodded in understanding before looking to Archontas. "Excuse us for a moment." She nodded as me an Ratchet stepped back outside, I sat in front of the den as Ratchet turned to me.

"She had said that Megatron had 'forced' himself onto her." He said in a low tone so not to spread her personal business. I straightened up at his words as I stared at him. I sighed as I looked to the entrance of the healing den. "Is she carrying his kin?" I asked gently as I looked back to him an he shook his head. "I don't believe so, tho it's too early to tell. But she has not endured her first heat cycle, so it's highly unlikely she'll bear Megatron's pups." He explained as he followed my gaze.

"But that's not all i needed to talk to you about" he turned back to me, i turned my attention back to him as well. "Her injuries are healing good an she can leave the healing den. Though we do not have any open dens yet and she can't stay here. I'll need the space if an when we get injured dragons." He explained his concerns. I hummed a moment as I looked around a bit. I knew that most dens were already full an it would take them weeks to build one for her.

I frowned gently before I had a thought, I turned back to Ratchet. "I know Ratchet, I know where she can stay till a den can be made for her. If she is comfortable she can stay in the Alpha's den with me." I added, I wouldn't make her stay if she was uncomfortable. Especially after hearing what Megatron had done to her. Ratchet nodded "I'll explain to her an let you know, wait here." I nodded to him as I watched him slither back into the den.

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