chapter 39: helping serafall

Start from the beginning

I assured her, guiding her to sit.

She sighed,

Serafall:I just never expected so much hatred from my own kind. It's like they've forgotten everything I've done for them.

Me:People fear change, Serafall. The rebellion has disrupted the status quo, but we'll find a way to mend those fractures

I said, grabbing a blanket to drape over her shoulders before kissing her cheek

As she wrapped herself in the blanket, she mumbled

Serafall:I just want things to go back to how they were. Is that too much to ask?

I sat down beside her, offering a reassuring smile.

Me:It's a natural desire, but sometimes change is necessary for progress. We'll find a way to bring about positive change.

Her eyes met mine, searching for reassurance.

Serafall:how do we do that, Danny? The divide seems insurmountable.

Me:We start by addressing the immediate concerns. Opening a dialogue with the dissenting factions, understanding their grievances, and working towards a common ground," I suggested.

Serafall nodded thoughtfully, "It's a risky move, but maybe it's the only way to bridge this gap. I just fear they won't listen."

Me:We won't know until we try. Your willingness to listen might be the catalyst for change

I encouraged, handing her a warm cup of tea that I had from my storage dimension

She took a sip, the warmth seeming to comfort her.

Serafall:Thank you, Danny. I don't know what I would do without your support.

Me:We're in this together, Serafall. Lean on me whenever you need to

I replied, a genuine concern in my eyes.

As she finished the tea, a spark of determination flickered in her eyes.

Serafall:Let's face this challenge head-on. I won't let the hate define my reign.

I smiled, proud of her resilience.

Me:That's the spirit. We'll navigate this together, step by step.

And so, amidst the shattered remnants of her home, we began to forge a path towards unity, healing, and a brighter future for devilkind.

I glanced at the laptop, my eyes scanning through the vitriolic comments on social media from disgruntled low-class devils:

1. "Serafall, the so-called Devil King, can't even handle a little dissent. What a weak leader!"
2. "These Devil Kings are just puppets of the nobles. They don't care about us, the lowly devils."

3. "How can we trust leaders who live in luxury while we struggle to survive? #DownWithDevilKings"

4. "Serafall, sirzechs, falbium and ajuka you're all disgrace to devilkind. Step down before you lead us all to ruin!"

5. "I bet the Devil Kings never even faced hunger. They're out of touch with our reality!"

6. "Do those fake devil kings , thinks they can lead devils? Laughable! I WANT AN ELECTION"

7. "Why should we listen to a Devil King who only cares about maintaining the status quo?"

8. "Serafall, your reign is a joke. You've lost the respect of the devils. #FailedLeader"

9. "Low-class devils suffer while Devil Kings live in opulence. Time for a rebellion!"

10. "These Devil Kings only care about themselves. It's time for a leader who understands the struggles of the common devil!"

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