No More Chapters

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Hey guys once again there is no chapter and there wont be anymore.

I am discontinuing 'A Story in The Life of Lizzie Butler'

There are a few reasons for this like the fact I have lost inspiration and I hate the pressure of trying to write a chapter when it is impossible because I have no ideas.

But the biggest reason is that, the whole reason I even have wrote this story is because of one of my best friends. But she told me she never wanted to speak to me again and I have no idea why. Hopefully she is reading this and will tell me but I dont see that happening. But I am going to be writing another story thats not a fanfic soon so look out for that.

And to everyone who everyone who commented, voted or simply just read any of this: THANK YOU SO MUCH.

So I guess this is it. Bye everyone.

Mhairi xx

A Story In The Life of Lizzie Butler (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now