Chapter Three

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It was coming to the end of the easter break and Zoe and Alfie said they wanted to have everyone over for a special announcement. So I guessed it was kinda like a party so I would have to look really nice.

And after countless hours of shopping and arguing with my mum I settled on a white skater dress with black floral detail and a black waist band. Now shoes was another issue for another day. But the next day I went out agian with my mum. And after going to about fifty diferent shops I finally found the perfect pair of white, lace, sandal style wedges.

When I got home it was go time. I had to get ready super quick because it was 2:30pm and we were leaving the house at 5:45pm. God that might be long for some people but not for me. I obviously had to wash my hair because well duh. But I super fizzy curly hair and I was straightening it so that took at least an hour. I kept my make up natural with foundation, concealer, powder, eyebrows, no eye shadow but some winged eye liner, blusher and bronzer, and in honour of the youtubers I wore Tanya's 'I found Nemo' lip gloss.

We got to Zoe and Alfie's and I was greeted by nala running up and trying to climb on us. So we went through to the living room and like everyone was there: Jim Tanya and Rosie, Jonothan and Anna, Louise and Darcy, Caspar, Joe and his girl friend Carmen, Mummy and Daddy Sugg and a few of their close non youtube friends. We all laughed, sang and ate until Alfie called us all into the lounge.

We all knew it was time for the announcement but nobody knew what it was. We were all sat there patiently when Alfie startes to speak. "Well first of all we hope you all have been enjoying yourselves." We all cheered to let him know that we were. "But there is a reason we did have this party," Zoe then said, "em... well Alfie and I have been talking about it and we want a child. But because our careers are so big it won't be sutible to have a baby as we travel a lot." Then Alfie spoke, "So we are going to adopt!" And there was happy (but shocked) gasps all around the room as he continued. "There is an opening at the orphanage next week and we are hoping to adopt a boy or girl about the age of twelve or thirteen." I kinda gave a little squeal and squeezed Rosie's hand because she was standing next to me and it meant there would hopefully be another person in our friend ship. I was absolutely over the moon.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in so long I've just been a little caught up things lately but better late than never right? Any way thanks for reading. And I also just hit 250 reads thanks so much.

Mhairi xxx

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