Ch. 10: Family and Meeting

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(A/N: Another long one ahead. Enjoy!)

Now that the group had left and NXT was over, everyone was out at a restaurant and bar near the university, celebrating the impressive debut match and televised victory by Racheal. After what had occurred with her family after the show, Racheal really just wanted to get out of there and spend some enjoyable time somewhere else. It was still hard to believe how well she did in her match, particularly against a veteran such as Candice.

However, Racheal's attention seemed to be elsewhere.

"You OK, sweetie?" Tommaso concernly asked, noticing the expression she had, which told that something else had her attention, as they sat at a large table.

"Um... yea, I'm fine," she nodded but was clearly hesitant.

"You sure? 'Cause you don't really seem to be enjoying yourself here."

"Oh no, I am, I promise," she quickly assured. "I'm just... I just can't believe I'm finally free of my family now. I've wanted this my whole life; and now that I have it, it's almost impossible to comprehend."

"Hmm, well, how are you feeling?" He checked.

"Honestly, like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders; like some unwanted baggage I've been carrying forever has finally been dropped."

"I can imagine what an unfamiliar feeling that must be," Tommaso nodded. "It might take you some time to get used to it."

"Yea, fair point," Racheal nodded, hoping she would get used to it sooner rather than later.

It was then when she noticed the whole table had been listening in, growing bashful upon the realization.

"Sorry, didn't mean to kill the mood."

"It's alright, we all understand that this is big for you," Ben stated, him and Sam knowing this better than the rest of the table.

"I'm also really sorry you all had to see that," she shamefully declared. "Especially, that you had to deal with them, and that it took so many of you along with Triple H and Beth to send them off. I really don't understand why they came all the way down here and showed up at the event. They've never shown that much care or effort over me in my life; and this was a whole new low, even for them."

"There's no need to apologize or be ashamed, Pup," Timothy assured. "We're always happy to help."

Everyone was in agreement and proud of it as well.

"Have they really always been like that?" Shotzi asked.

Racheal grew hesitant again, not feeling the most comfortable talking about this.

"It's OK, you can talk to us," Indi sweetly noted.

"Well, no need to pressure her about it," Candice interjected. "She doesn't have to if she's not comfortable."

Racheal was anxious about diving into her family history, given how not so colorful it is. It was never something she enjoyed discussing anyway; not to mention it was embarrassing enough for them to show up earlier tonight and to now spill the deeds about them, especially after officially cutting them off from her life. Then again, she trusted this group and could tell they were all right by her side just like a family.

"Yes, as much as I hate to admit, that's how they are and have been my whole life. They've always been the type to believe everyone is beneath them, not caring for much else other than their own livelihood, and I've always been nothing but a nuisance to them. In fact, the only thing that was ever expected of me was to live up to this... impossible image of perfection they had just so one day, I could be someone else's perfect wife."

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