Character Info.

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A/N: Before this begins, I just want to state that I made this character for my beautiful fiancee jokerpumpkin and we collabed to make this character and her story together, making it even more special. So please give her as much, if not more, credit for the journey you are in for. Thankyou! Enjoy!

Superstar Name: Racheal Moonster

Real Name: Racheal Purees Doyle

Height: 5'3

Birthplace: Brighton, England

Current Residence: Manhattan, New York

Physical Attributes: Green Eyes, Blonde Hair (although loves to dye it), Curvy Plus-Sized Body Structure with a slight muscular build and White Milky Skin.

Wrestling Style: Striker/Brawler, Submission Grappler, and has a few High Flying abilities.

Signature Moves: New Moon (Crossroads) and Wolfsbane Fist (Superman Punch/Elbow Strike).

Finishers: White-Wolf Kiss (Iron Claw into Sister Abigail, but with a lick rather than a kiss) and Midnight Howl (Grounded Chokehold/Jaw Lock from behind; e.g. Tough Enough's ZZ's finisher)

Character Bio: Racheal Purees Doyle was born to a wealthy Irish/English family as the only girl in a family of five siblings with parents, William and Margaret Doyle. She adopted her mother's British accent, although it's gotten messy from growing in the US. She was born in the city of Brighton and lived there until her preteen years before her father's job had them move to Manhattan, New York.

Growing up, Racheal was always considered the Black Sheep of her family. She never quite fit in with them, or anywhere at that. She was never really close with her family to begin with. Her father was always away on business, her mother didn't pay much attention to her, and her brothers were all snobbish troublemakers. You could say they were partially to blame for stealing her mother's attention, given she had to always keep them from pulling pranks or getting into fights. Of course, they weren't fully responsible. Her mother just never really understood how to be a mother. She always expected her to be someone she just isn't, always had too high of expectations and strict ideas for her, and never really gave enough attention or support for her. Racheal could never quite understand her mother, or exactly what kind of a mother she even was.

As for friends, she's had a few at a time, but never many nor real close ones or any groups of friends. The only true lifelong friend she's ever had is her pal, Sam Larson. Sam was her first American friend and has been her bestie since 7th Grade. Sam used to be a She, then came out as a He and Racheal helped him to transition after high school. As far as Racheal can remember, he's been her only good relationship in what seems like her whole life.

Aside from that, she's always been an outsider, never quite fitting anywhere, especially not with her family. Even worse, she could never really figure out what she was meant to do with her life. She had interest and skills, but none she was able to go to college for or just didn't want to turn into a profession.

So, here she is now, 20 years old and still living with her Class A family with not a single clue of her place in the world.

However, all that began to change by a simple flick of the TV.

She was sitting at home one day flipping through channels, searching for something to watch while winding down after a long day with the family. By some chance, or perhaps by fate itself, she came across WWE NXT on the USA Channel. Now, she was aware of WWE, thanks to an old wrestling-obsessed high school friend of hers, and a few of its stars. Particularly, The Rock, John Cena, and Rey Mysterio; all of which she absolutely loved. However, besides them, she never really got into wrestling. This would be the night that would change, as would many other things in her life. This particular episode was known as NXT New Year's Evil; and the match that she just so happened to catch was a Last Woman Standing Match between two of NXT's top female stars at the time, Rhea Ripley and Raquel Gonzalez. These two appeared as outsider types in their own right, snatching her attention to begin with, and boy did they beat the absolute hell out of each other.

Needless to say, she found something good to watch.

She made the right choice and kept with the show. She watched some truly incredible matches with some overly impressive competitors, some of which she even thought were cute. Also, two of these matches were big title matches, Santos Escobar defending his Cruiserweight Title against Metalik and the main event, Finn Balor defending his NXT Championship against Kyle O'Reilly. It was indeed one incredible episode for her to come across.

From that point forward, she was hooked.

She tuned in to Raw, Smackdown, and even AEW Dynamite from time to time, finding some other wrestlers that captured her eye, but NXT was her main one. That became her show and what gave her a love for professional wrestling. So much in fact, especially after all the different types of talent she witnessed, she began to wonder how she would fair in a wrestling ring herself, if maybe this was what she was searching for. It was a crazy thought, but a capturing one at that. Once it crept into her mind, she was unable to rid herself of it. After days and weeks of consideration, and a bit of research to discover they would soon be scouting for talent in her city, she came to the conclusion that she had nothing better to do and nothing to lose. Sure, her mother wouldn't approve of something as ridiculous as this, but she didn't have to know for now. After all, it was only a tryout at the moment. She recorded a video audition and sent it to WWE before filling in her pal, Sam, on the gig as well. Given that Sam was basically in the same boat as her, he gave it a shot and applied also. They were both granted invitations to tryout and a few weeks later, tryouts took place. Through helpful coaching from the instructor and encouragement from each other, they managed to learn quick and fly through like it was nothing. They must have made quite the impression because out of all the applicants there, some of which were professional indie wrestlers, they were the only two to have been called up. They were so shocked, they even asked the scout himself to ensure he was serious, which he obviously was; and in just one week, they would be off to Orlando. They would need the week in order to comprehend that they actually made it. Plus, to figure out how they were to explain this sudden big move to their families.

They had no idea what they would be in store for, but they knew nothing would be the same for them from here on out.

If only these two knew, or if only the world knew, what the future holds for them.

A/N: Since I mentioned a 2nd OC here's a quick basic description for him as well.

Real Name: Sam Larson

Superstar Name: Sam Rider, a.k.a. Brother Sam

Nickname: The Angel of Darkness

Age: 20

Height: 5'9

Physical Appearance: white skin, short/tomboy-ish curly hair shaved to a mohawk and dyed red, average build, wears emo makeup and earrings with nails painted black, small amount of varying tattoos.

Wrestling Style: Highflyer, Unorthodox Street Fighter and Hardcore Artist, Freestyle.

Signature: V-Trigger, An Angel's Fangs (Spinning Back Elbow)

Finishers: The Maximum Ride (Double-Arm lift into a Canadian Rack Hold then into a Cutter) and the Phoenix Splash.

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