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"Baekhyun are you fucking kidding me?"
"No, I ask you for one thing. One. I barely ask you for anything and now of all times is when it slips your mind?"
"I've been waiting for you to get back for hours – worried sick, and you're at a "friends house"? Do you think I'm dumb?"
"You know what? Whoever you're with, stay with them. Fuck you Baekhyun." I hung up and practically threw my phone on the couch. "Asshole." I fumed. But I needed to calm down. My heart was racing and I was starting to sweat. I picked up my mini electric fan and turned it on, closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Once my heartbeat slowed some, I decided to go lay down. I was starting to feel drained.

But even lying down didn't take my mind off how angry I was with Baekhyun. All this time we had been together he had never failed to pull through for me when I needed him. Even if I never asked. It shouldn't have triggered me as much as it did, but all it did was remind me of how I was treated in the past. Made promises that were continuously broken. Lies upon lies upon lies. Nothing ever got past Baekhyun so I knew something wasn't right. It tried to stop myself but I was crying before I knew it.
"Fucking hormones." I angrily wiped them away. I hugged my pillow and tried to quiet my mind.

"Brielle? Baby?" I felt the bed dip behind me. He wrapped his arm around me, face in my neck.
"Get off." I tried to shove him away but he remained put.
"I'm sorry."
"Go back to your girl."
"There is no girl." He said, kissing my shoulder. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Baby, I'm sorry." My jaw was clenched and I kept quiet. "I should have called you and told you where I was going."
"Too late." I tried to shimmy away from him but he held me still.
"Can you listen please?" I felt him shift so he was looming over me but I kept my focus on the window. "I didn't forget about your food. They were closed by the time I got there." This got my attention. I glanced up at him now. "Like you said, you barely ask me for anything, so I decided to go get you what you first wanted but told me not to get since it was too far." My eyes widened.
"I drove to Philly to get you a cheesesteak. Probably not going to taste the best since it's cold and maybe soggy, which I honestly didn't think about when I went to go get it, but I also stopped at Honey's and got you your favorite cake, and Mullen's for that chicken you like, then I had to get you flowers to apologize after I got off the phone with you." I stared at him in disbelief. My vision suddenly went blurry.
"Why would you do that?" I whimpered covered my face with my hands. He pulled them away and placed a kiss on each one.
"Because my pregnant wife asked me too and I love her too much to say no."
"No you idiot." I frowned. "You made me starve for nearly four hours all for a damn cheesesteak?" He laughed.
"You said you weren't all that hungry when you asked. That you'd save it for later."
"I'm pregnant. I'm always hungry."
"I'm sorry." He leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. "I love you."
"I love you more." I pulled him in for another kiss. "And I'm sorry for yelling at you and accusing you of cheating."
"That's okay. I know you didn't mean it."
"In the moment I did." I admitted.
"Well I forgive you." He kissed me on the cheek and I hugged him closer.
"You need to change the sheets. You got your outside clothes all over it." He laughed again.
"Yes ma'am." He lifted off me and stood, holding out his hands to me. "Come eat."

It was always easier getting up when he was around due to my massively protruding stomach. Carrying twins was a full-time job but he was there every moment for anything I needed, taking care of me as best he could. I couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect man. The last five years have been a wild ride, and I wouldn't change a second of it. Now our family was growing and I couldn't be happier. He was right when he told me all those years ago to give it time, that it would work out.

Because it did.

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