Chapter 7

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Turns out, distance is not a small thing. Wednesday night when I got home from work, Jinyoung wanted to finally talk over the phone. I think I immediately fell in love with him. Especially his voice. He was being very flirty as well which just increased the want. We were on the phone for hours talking about anything and everything. I couldn't believe I got this lucky on the first try back on the dating apps. Of course I was still chatting here and there with other possible suitors, but Jinyoung was my main focus.

Until Friday. He was busy at a conference and could only sparsely text me throughout the day until he stopped altogether. I watched the clock. It was almost five PM. I was ready to leave work and my eyes fell on the largest bouquet of red roses Jongin had delivered earlier. His note said he couldn't wait to see me tonight. The words were burned in the back of my mind all day. I could go home, shower, put on that dress I had decided I would wear if I chose to go to the dinner. I had a new pair of shoes that would match. I thought of what I would say. What he would say. How I would fall under his spell again. How he would take me home. We would start up again. He would cheat and leave me heartbroken for the umpteenth time. I couldn't. Anya was busy. Jinyoung was busy. Junmyeon was busy. I needed a reason not to go.

[Brielle]: Remember that drink you owe me?

I quickly packed my belongings and tidied my table, anxiously waiting for a response. He was probably busy too. Was it even okay to text him? He was a friend, right? I honestly didn't know. We weren't able to meet up for a coffee break this week and I hadn't run into him in the mornings. He was most likely just as swamped with this possible merger as Junmyeon was. Maybe he would need a break tonight too. It could be good for the both of us. We were past that first night we met and been cordial ever since. I actually enjoyed hanging out with him. I wondered if he felt the same.

[CF]: Hahaha, cashing in?
[Brielle]: I was joking at first but could really use it tonight.
[Brielle]: If you're not busy that is.
[Brielle]: If you are then forget it.
[Brielle]: You honestly don't even owe me anything. It really was just a joke.
[CF]: Two Moons at 7? Just need to finish up some things.

I let out a breath of relief when his message came through.
[Brielle]: See you there.

I figured I was dressed enough for after work drinks. Navy midi skirt, black pumps and a black blouse. I just went home to drop my things off, switch to a nice clutch, and spruce up my makeup. Made sure I looked presentable and not as if I were racked with anxiety all day. As I waited, I checked for any messages from Jinyoung but it was radio silent still. I watched the clock, now wondering if Jongin was on his way to the restaurant. Would he arrive late on purpose? Would he even show up at all? Maybe he would suspect I wouldn't show and changed his mind last minute. My stomach started to turn at the thought of him waiting at the table, watching everyone that walked by, hoping it was me. I had never stood anyone up in my life and the guilt was starting to set in. But I knew this was for the best. I couldn't get sucked in again just to be let down in the end.

I arrived at Two Moons right at seven. It was a classy spot, which I expected of Baekhyun. He had a table reserved for us in a corner booth. There was jazz music playing which instantly settled my nerves. The ambiance was very relaxed. Light chatter coming from other patrons. Smooth music in the background. Dim lighting. I was glad I asked Baekhyun to meet up tonight. I ordered a Cosmo as I waited, falling into the music that transported me to what it would have been like to live in the jazz era. I was so lost in it I hadn't realized when Baekhyun arrived.
"Daydreaming already?" He chuckled as he slid into the booth across from me. I smiled at him.
"I love jazz."
"Oh, do you?" He inquired, slipping out of his suit jacket and setting it aside.
"I mean, I'm not deep into it, but I enjoy it when I hear it." He chuckled again.
"That's fair. I have a few vinyl records from some artist. I could give you some names of my favorites?"
"Oh, yeah. Maybe I'll actually start getting into it."
"Jazz is such a rich musical genre." He said. "It's a whole movement and culture in itself."
"Do tell me more Mr. Byun."

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