A few weeks went by and things felt too normal. I fell into a comfortable routine and it was actually nice. The base of it was, go to work then go home to talk to Jinyoung even if we had been chatting throughout the day. Here and there I would hang out with Anya or Junmyeon and Sehun. One thing that did change, that wasn't sitting well with me was that I was hearing from Baekhyun less and less. No more random messages of one of us complaining about work which meant no more coffee breaks. This was the only thing throwing me off a bit because I did miss my friend. I picked up my phone to text him when I saw a message from Jinyoung that I missed.

[Jinyoung]: Sorry that weekend is a bust.
[Jinyoung]: Just got approved for another conference.

It was becoming more and more frustrating trying to find time to see each other. We have been dating for a month now and the last time I saw him was when I made that trip a week after he asked me out. I had been the one trying to coordinate it, offering all of my free weekends and even offering to take off but there was always something that prevented us from seeing each other. It was starting to feel as if he wasn't even trying.

[Brielle]: That's okay. We'll figure it out.

I tossed my phone down and leaned my head back on my chair. There was a light tap on my door before it opened. I looked up to see a head of silver hair entering.
"Bad time?" He held two cups of coffee.
"Perfect time." I held my hands out in a grabbing motion for the coffee. He chuckled and handed one over after shutting the door. He took a seat. I took a sip and relaxed into the chair. "Thank you for this."
"You're welcome." He said. "I finally hit a wall where if I did not get out of my office soon and away from work I was going to smash my computer to bits. So I thought this was a good excuse since I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks."
"It actually has been weeks. You've been hiding from me." I said. He laughed.
"Not hiding. Working." He said. "This is how it usually was before you started kidnapping me to the coffee shop."
"Not kidnapping if you were willing." I said. "Plus, you were the one going there on your own accord. Just a coincidence it was the same time as me."
"Now that you're saying it, it's starting to feel like you may have orchestrated it all." He said. I deadpanned and he laughed. "How have things been?"
"Things have been okay." I said, taking another sip.
"That sounds oddly suspicious." He kept his eyes on me, waiting for more.
"It's just this whole thing with Jinyoung." I tried to pass it off as nothing. I was sure he didn't want to hear about my relationship problems.
"And Jinyoung is your boyfriend?" He clarified. I realized I hadn't told Baekhyun anything about him. I nodded. "Aren't you two supposed to still be in the honeymoon phase? Seems a bit early for there to be a "whole thing"." He had a point, but it was a pretty big thing that was vital to the relationship.
"I mean that's true, but..." I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was appropriate to talk about. I would say given our history, but we never dated and weren't interested. However, we were at work, even though the both of us had seemed to hit the point of unproductivity. Baekhyun waited for me expectantly. I may as well tell him. It could be nice to have a different way more objective point of view than Junmyeon, Sehun, and Anya. "So he lives in San Fransico-."
"He lives where?"
"Okay, calm down. You're making it seem as if he lives on another continent."
"He may as well." He said making me frown. "I get that long distance relationship work out often, but we have come to the conclusion that you are "high maintenance" which means you need immediate attention. So how is that working?" If anyone, of course he would be blunt. It was appreciated but the realization didn't feel nice.
"...it's not." I said meekly.
"I just really like him and I really thought we could make it work. I mean, we talk everyday which has been good after he stopped ghosting me-."
"Okay, back up, what?"
"This was before he asked me out."
"But why would you – never mind. Continue." He sipped on his drink to keep himself from talking. I took a deep breath and did as he said.
"Communication has been great, chemistry is there, attraction is definitely there, but physically being able to see each other is the problem."
"Because he's in California."
"So you haven't met? At all?" He had that look on his face that told me exactly what he was thinking.
"We have met. Once the end of last year before he asked me out when he was visiting on a conference, then the week after we started dating when I flew out to see him."
"...but he didn't actually make an effort to come see you yet?"
"He did, when he came for his conference..." Oh.
"The only reason he came was for work." He said. The knife was shoved in. I bit my lip and nodded in realization. I couldn't say that I was regretting opening up to Baekhyun because he was actually bringing my head out of the clouds. "On the other hand, he still made time to see you while he was here. He could have decided to not tell you he was visiting at all." He tried.
"I guess." I set my coffee down and sighed. "I've been making all of these efforts to plan for us to see each other but every time, something comes up. It's really getting frustrating."
"I don't mean to get into your relationship or anything or make comments when it's not my place but...if he wanted to, he would." And the knife was twisted. It didn't make sense though. He really did seem like he liked me so why wasn't he putting in the effort to see me when everything else was there? "That doesn't mean things won't change though. He could actually be really busy. And if you guys really do like each other, it'll work out. And if it doesn't, he's an idiot." He shrugged. This pulled a smile from me.
"Thanks Baek." He smiled in return before his eyes focused on my chest. I looked down to try and figure out what he was staring at.
"It does look nice." His said with his head tilted. My eyebrows scrunched.
"My boobs?"
"No." He deadpanned. "Your blouse." My eyes widened in realization and embarrassment but all I could do was laugh. It was the first time I was wearing the blouse he replaced. It was a lovely satin material of great quality that felt so good on my skin. He had a great eye because it was just my size and in fact similar to the one he basically destroyed, but more expensive.
"Damn. My bad." I said as the laughter died down. "It is a nice blouse. Thanks again."
"Well I am the one who ripped your last one."
"I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" My stomach dropped at the sound of Junmyeon's voice. He couldn't have walked in at a worse time. I didn't even hear anyone at the door, let alone notice it open.
"Oh, hey Junmyeon. Not at all." Baekhyun said nonchalantly. I wanted to crawl under the table until it was time to leave. I could feel the judgement oozing from Junmyeon even if he didn't physically show it.
"I was just walking by and thought I'd pop in but I'll come back later." Junmyeon said, ready to walk back out.
"No need. I need to head back to work unfortunately." He said with a heavy sigh. "See you later Brielle." I wanted to thank him for the coffee and the talk but all I could do was wave. Baekhyun patted Junmyeon on the shoulder as he walked by. Once the door close, Junmyeon hurriedly took Baekhyun's place.
"What the hell did I just hear?"
"I dunno. What do you think you heard?" I tried.
"Do not try that with me." He glared at me. "What did he rip? And why?" There was no point of keeping it from him any longer.
"Don't freak out."
"Too late."
"Well don't freak out more."
"Not making any promises."
"Talk." He demanded. I gave in.
"Remember last year when you told me I should just have a one-night stand and I ended up having one?" It took him a minute, but he got there. His eyes widened.
"No..." He gasped. I nodded. "It was Baekhyun?" I nodded again. "Didn't you end up working with him multiple times after that?"
"Imagine my shock." I said.
"Have you two been sleeping together this whole time?" The shock only seemed to grow.
"Oh my goodness." He closed his eyes and massaged his temple, taking calming breaths. When he was ready, he opened his eyes again. "Kinda?" I explained everything. How nothing happened once we started to work together after that first night. Only meeting occasionally for lunch or coffee, because of work. Then how we caved then started up our friends with benefits agreement, only to stop that once Jinyoung and I started dating. Junmyeon looked at a loss for words once I was finished. I felt bad for keeping him in the dark but as I was explaining it aloud, it definitely wasn't something I wanted people to know. "All of this was happening this whole time?"
"I guess."
"And you told me the two of you weren't together." He was glaring again.
"But we weren't. Just...occasional hookups."
"And things didn't get messy?"
"No. We were honestly fine."
"Even with the whole Jinyoung thing?"
"No issues." I said. He now looked puzzled.
"I'm impressed, yet suspicious."
"We're honestly good. He even bought me coffee."
"He's just waiting for the right time."
"Stop it. He's not like that."
"They're never like that until ten years later when you're three kids in wondering why none of your other relationships worked out." He said.
"Why are you like this?" I laughed.
"I'm just saying. Men are sneaky. So, be careful."
"I will. Don't worry." I said. "But he really doesn't give that vibe that he's up to something. He was the one encouraging me to keep trying the dating apps and said repeatedly he's not looking for a relationship. And when I told him we had to stop our thing because of Jinyoung, he didn't even bat an eye. Just now he was telling me to keep trying with him."
"That's because he's the Baekhyun. He can make you think anything he wants but ends up winning by the time it's all said and done – and what is going on with you and Jinyoung?"
"Still can't visit." I sighed. I picked up my coffee again.
"Aw, Brielle." He said sympathetically.
"I was doing my best to make it work but it just might not."
"Something will work out soon." He said reassuringly.
"I hope so."

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