I thought really long and hard about attending the mixer all day while at was at work. When I got home. As I showered. As I put on my makeup. As I got dressed. As I ordered a ride. As I stepped into the building. Something way deep down inside was telling me that I should stay home and for some reason, I decided not to listen to that voice. Now, here I was, sipping on a cocktail glaring at Jongin who was blatantly flirting with one of his coworkers. I couldn't hear what they were saying but from the body language, giggles, and slight touches, I knew. I knew him too well to think otherwise. The night had started out so well. I met with Junmyeon and Sehun and we chatted for a bit. Minseok and Anya joined us. Then they started making their rounds as more and more people arrived. I remained off to the side, snagging snacks off the trays of the passing servers and drinking the free drinks. That's when Jongin walked in. Grabbing attention as always. His easy grin and charming persona allowed him to float through the room. He really did know a lot of people and they all seemed to adore him. It made me sick. I was wondering if he would see me and try to come speak to me, but he was too caught up in the atmosphere. He then got cozy with some woman across the room.

I wasn't sure what came over me. I shouldn't have cared, but just the previous day, he was in my office telling me he still loved me and he wouldn't stop trying to show me how sorry he was, but here he was, flirting with another woman as if none of that ever happened. It made me wonder if he knew I was in the room or just didn't care. I was actively avoiding him every time he got near, but he had to have seen me by now because he was constantly in my line of vision. A server walked by and I replaced my glass with a fresh champagne flute.
"Alright, who's the victim?" I almost didn't hear him and probably wouldn't have if I didn't feel him gently bump my arm as he took the spot beside me.
"What?" I asked. Surprised to actually see Baekhyun. I wondered if he was here the whole time and how I missed him. I was probably too focused on Jongin.
"The person you're about to bludgeon to death with that champagne glass."
"I'm not going not bludgeon anyone." I said with an eyeroll as I took a gulp.
"Your face says otherwise." He said with a quirk of his brow.
"It's nothing." I shook my head, doing my best to not take a glance over at Jongin and instead scanned the room.
"And here I thought we were friends." He sighed and shook his head. I rolled my eyes.
"Well friend I haven't heard from you all week."
"Blame the merger."
"Congrats on that by the way." I said holding my glass up to him. He clinked his against mine.
"I'm just glad it's over." He said with a sigh before taking a sip of his drink. "So what's up? Why so grouchy?"
"I'm not grouchy." I defended.
"I've been slowly making my way around and every time I looked over, you were increasingly grouchy." He said.
"It's nothing." I said, knowing he wouldn't let it go.
"Doesn't seem like it." He now turned to me. I let out a sigh.
"Well, it's nothing I want to talk about here." I hoped this was enough to make him drop the subject.
"So then tomorrow. Let's get coffee." He suggested. It was now my turn to look at him in question. He just shrugged. "If we're being honest, I miss our coffee breaks. But I guess I shouldn't because we aren't friends."
"Would you stop being dramatic?" I deadpanned. He chuckled.
"Seriously though, I know we haven't spoke in a while but you seem a bit...off tonight." It wasn't odd that he would notice something like this. Reading people was in his job description. I just didn't know if I wanted to go there with him.
"I just...probably shouldn't have come tonight. Like I intended from the beginning." There was a puzzled expression on his face for a moment before he nodded.
"Seems like you could use something stronger than coffee then."
"Got that right." I shook my head and downed the rest of my champagne.
"Then let's go get drinks." He downed his and set the empty glass on a nearby table.
"What? Now?"
"Why not?" He shrugged. That was a good question. "Did you drive?" I shook my head. "I can give you a ride back to change meet you at a bar. I need to get out of this suit."
"You don't need to end your night early because of me."
"I don't want to be here any more than you do." He said.
"Okay, but leaving together is a bit suspicious and the last thing I need are rumors floating around." I knew how gossip spread at these events. At the last company party, two coworkers got a little too tipsy and flirty and it was the talk of the office for the entire week. He chuckled and nodded in understanding.
"Fair point." He said. "I'll hang back for a bit then meet you later?" He offered. I nodded in agreement. "I'll text you when I'm on my way." He gave me a smile and went off to mingle while I went to find Sehun, Junmyeon, or Anya. Junmyeon and Sehun were the lucky winners.
"Hey, I was just about to come find you." Sehun said.
"Actually, I'm getting ready to head out." I said.
"What? Why?" Junmyeon frowned.
"Just not feeling it tonight." I shrugged.
"Everything okay?" Sehun asked.
"Yeah. All good." I lied with a smile. "Just a long day." Junmyeon had that skeptical look on his face but I ignored it.
"Well, okay. Get home safe." Sehun said, giving me a hug. Junmyeon did the same and I was on my way.

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