Chapter 1

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Danny's POV

After coming back home after another beat down from my high school bully Dash Baxter and another detention from Mr. Lancer, for starting a fight with Dash. Which wasn't true. It was Dash and I didn't even fight back, but like always Mr. Lancer took Dash's side and gave me detention.

I had hoped that my parents and sister weren't in the living room. So I'd be able to make it to my room upstairs to hide my busted up face, but much to my surprise. I found them all in the living room sitting down and talking with smiles and laughter.

I noticed why they were all happy and laughing. It was because of the woman who was sitting down in front of them with her back to the front door. I couldn't make out who it was but I knew it was a woman.

As soon as my parents and sister noticed me. The laughter immediately stopped as soon as they saw me. My mom, Maddie Fenton and my sister, Jasmine "Jazz" Fenton, covered their mouths and gasped out in horror and shock.

My Dad, Jack Fenton lost his jolly and Joyful expression and it was replaced with a solemn and serious expression.

I immediately tried to make a run for the stairs, but my Mom was quicker. She had jumped from behind me and flipped down in front of the stairs. She wasn't a 9th degree black belt for nothing. Just as she was about to speak another voice spoke up from behind me. Making me freeze in place.

“Daniel Maslaki William Fenton!”

Hello, my name is Danny Fenton. I'm secretly the ghostly hero, Danny Phantom, of Amity Park, Illinois. Also considered as the most hunted town in America. I'm what the ghosts call a Halfa. I'm both dead and not.

I got my powers in a lab accident with my parents ghost portal. When I was just 15 years old, and for the past 2 and a half years. I've been juggling my school life, my hero life, and recently my education on ruling the ghost zone or as the denizens know it as the Infinite Realms.

You heard me right, a few months after I had gotten my powers. Amity Park was dragged into the ghost zone by the Ghost King. Who was released from his sleeping prison by a fruitloop, aka Vlad Masters/Plasmius. The first Halfa and my archenemy.

I was only barely able to defeat and kill him. If it weren't for the armor that my father had built. I wouldn't have won. I hadn't known at the time. That doing so would make me the crowned prince. Until I turned 17.

I was visited by a ghost who was the master of time, named Clockwork. He wears a purple cloak and has a clock in his chest and he holds a staff. He explained to me that on my 18th birthday. I would be made the next king of the Infinite Realms. He and a few others started teaching me, to prepare me for my coordination and royal politics.

Anyways I'm getting off topic, there's one person who I would never want to be enemies with and that's my betrothed since birth. Her name is Luna Faye Nightingale. She's 5 years older than me and she had left for college. A few months before my accident to get her degree as a Lawyer.

Our great, great, grandparents had made a marriage contract between the first born son of the Fenton Family and the first born daughter of the Nightingale family. Jazz was adopted when I was 4 years old, after I had asked my parents for a sibling.

I met Luna when I was 6 years old and she was 11 years old. She was from London, England. She is the first born daughter of the Noble house of the Nightingale family.

The contact never had been fulfilled because, our great, great, grandparents both had sons as their first borns. Then their sons had sons as their first borns as well and then they had sons too. Which was my father, Jack Fenton, and Luna's father, Glean Nightingale.

The Halfa, & His BetrothedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz