Start from the beginning

After class, I went to the registrar to apply for library assistant, I saw at the bulletin that they are needing one, our librarian is known for being strict and scary, no wonder her post is always be the last one to be filled out. Last year I was TA at the front office, but I think someone beat me on that post so I got no choice to apply for library assistance. When my dad passed away and when the beatings started, I always check if I can do some extra work in school because it always  gives me an excuse to stay in school longer, the longer I stay in the school the shorter I stay in my house, and that's all I wanted. I was filling up the form, when the registrar door opens, I look at it and saw Mr. Bailey entered the room he went to the registrar and talked to her, I shook my head when I saw the standoffish registrar tucked her hair into her ears as she gaze up to Mr. Bailey. I looked down at the paper and continued to fill up the form.
"Ms. Reed" Mr. Bailey said I looked up and he is standing behind me
"Mr. Bailey" I muttered, he looks down at the form and nodded
"I never thought you are interested being a library assistant " he chuckled
"Well ironic as it seems but I like staying in school" I said, damn why I am so honest with him
"I see" he place his fingers on his chin, I stood up and gave my form to Mrs. Lopes she mentioned I can start tomorrow, since I am the only one applied for it. I smiled and turned to leave , Mr. Bailey is still there, looking at me. I grabbed my bag and turned to the door
"See you tomorrow Mr. Bailey" I said, waving at him, he smiled as I exited the registrar.

The next day after my class I entered the library and went to the librarian – Mrs. Geoff, she's a silent woman who is in her early 50s, her hair is in elegant bob and side bangs, she have a little wrinkles around her eyes and some of her hair are starting to grey
"Good afternoon Mrs Geoff" I greeted her, she looked at me behind her glasses which hangs at the bridge of her nose
"Hello Ms. Reed, the registrar said you are assigned here for the rest of the year"  she said
"Yes ma'am , so where to start?" I ask, she stood up and went out from her cubicle, I followed her behind
"You start by organizing this library materials so that they are easily to find out" she said as she led me into piles of books and materials of cabinets, then she leave me without looking at me. I started my task and busied myself into it, while thinking about Robert Bailey, wait what? Why all of the sudden I am thinking of him? I was surprised to see him here in all places and being my fucking teacher, I remember how we first met, and blushed – I went inside his house have breakfast with him then he even take me out for lunch I squeal to myself. Earlier in class, we keep on glancing at one another, I wished for a better year during my birthday, and it seems this is far from better it's what? Exciting to say the least? Urgh! how can I be so attracted by a person who happens to be my teacher, but you don't know he was the other side of myself said, I  shake myself as I am hearing his voice as if he is here, now what? I am going insane

"Eli?" Is that really him? I lifted my chin and yes I am not dreaming, he is indeed calling me. He smiled when he saw me, my heart begins to skip.
"Hello there Mr. Bailey" I greeted him, he stares me through my eyes, and we held there staring at each other, to be honest we look like an idiot
"So you really are doing this thing?" He finally said, still looking at me
"I told you I love staying at school" I said, looking back at the papers in my hand.
"Is that so?" He chuckled, and to my surprised he takes the vacant seat across me.
"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked, he shake his head
"I already talked to Mrs. Geoff, I am looking for a book for my junior class, and she told me that she'll check on it a bit, I saw you so might as well dropped by to say hello" he leaned his back against the chair and clasped his hand resting it at his chest.
"Ms. Reed?" Mrs. Geoff called me I turned around and answered her
"Can you please help me on the books Mr. Bailey needs? I believe we do have that copy at the supply cabinet at the back, he needs twenty copies of the night war book, it's at the left corner third level" she came up with me holding a box
"Oh. That would not be necessary, I can get it by myself" Mr. Bailey took the box from her
"Alright Mr. Bailey, Miss Reed can you help him then?" She said, I nodded and stood up from my chair, I led the way towards the supply room, I know the place since I made some errands here in the library last year, Mr.Bailey followed behind me
"What's the book again?" I asked him as we entered the supply room
"Well the Night War" he replied, and I nodded, I went to the left corner and looked at it crap! The third level is a little high, I sighed I take the ladder on the side
"Don't be ridiculous Eli" Mr. Bailey said as he saw me getting the ladder, he grabbed it from me holding my hands in process, I gasped from the touch, I looked at Mr. Bailey and he was looking at me intently, that I blushed, he then turned his back and positioned the ladder, he went up and I stay at the bottom.
"Mrs. Geoff said it's here but it is at the top most part, oh there it is" he said as he reached the books, my breath stopped when his shirt rides up and I can see how refined his body, his abs is not that perfect, but still worth the look, my eyes trails down a little further to see his perfect V shape, I shake my head just in time he speak
"Here take this" he said giving the book to me I pulled my eyes away and take the book, I grabbed the box and placed the book in there, we repeat the process until he got enough copies that he needed, he went down from the ladder and folded it then return from it's place. I hover down to pick up the box but damn it was heavy
"I got that" Mr. Bailey said, I stood up abruptly and then something crawled at my arms, I froze and checked to see what it is, I screamed the moment I saw the cockroach on my arm, I jumped and climbed to Mr. Bailey throwing my arms around his neck as I wrapped my legs on his waist
"Oh my God, Oh my God!" I shrieked, as I buried my face on his neck, ignoring how good he smells
"Get that thing away from me!" I cried, how come there's a roach in here, disgusting
"It's alright Eli, it's just a cockroach" he said
"No! Is it dead now? Where it is?" I said still burying my face on his neck
"It's gone, I think you scared it" he chuckled, his strong hands is around my tailbone
"You sure?" I pulled my face and faced him, he was smirking at me, then I realized our position, I hurriedly placed my feet back the ground and steadied myself, but Mr. Bailey hands is still at my waist
"Uhm Mr. Bailey you can release me now" I sheepishly said
"Oh yeah, sorry Eli" he shakes his head and quickly released me, I looked at the door, hoping Mrs. Geoff did not hear anything
"Sorry as well Mr. Bailey, I did not mean to" I said looking at that floor, wishing the ground can swallow me
"That's okay Eli, we have those moments" he said picking up the box, we both went out from the room and I went back to my task
"Thank you for your help Eli, I see you in class tomorrow" he said and said his thanks to Mrs. Geoff
"See you sir" I said not looking at him, and I returned fixing the library materials.

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