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In the dimly lit dance practice room, the rhythmic beats of their recent practice still resonated. The scent of sweat and determination hung in the air as the members gathered, seeking a moment of respite.

Jin's frustration found expression in the satisfying crunch of a burger. Namjoon, understanding his boyfriend's sentiment, joined him with a can of cola, passing it to Jin.

"Darn! They're so cheap for asking you both such things," Jin exclaimed, his voice carrying a mix of irritation and amusement, the burger momentarily forgotten.

Namjoon, in agreement, nodded as he took a sip of cola, his expression reflecting a blend of weariness.

"It's really hard to be an idol." Hoseok,  let out a sigh, and others chimed in agreement.

Jimin, always trying to make things light, tried to add a bit of fun. "What are you going to name it, hyung?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Jin, taking a break from his burger, played along with the question, "Jin Hit Entertainment," he announced with a bit of drama, a big grin appearing on his face.

"My name and handsome face are enough for success," he added, showcasing a blend of confidence and self-awareness. The room, for a moment, resonated with laughter.

Namjoon cooed at his boyfriend, he was about to peck Jin's lips when-

"Joon, staffs," Namjoon sighed, reluctantly withdrawing. Swiftly, he picked up a few fries, creating the illusion that he was merely reaching for a snack.

As the members prepared to transition to the next activity, Namjoon, taking charge, declared, "Okay, guys, if you're done, let's get ready for the shoot." The announcement was met with collective groans; the weariness of the day lingered, and everyone yearned for the comfort of home.

Amidst the departure chaos, Jin seized a moment to approach Namjoon discreetly. In hushed tones, he asked, "Are you mad at me?"

"No, baby, why would I?" Namjoon replied "I'm just mad because of the situation we're in. I wish I could just love you openly." he sighed

Jin, understanding the complexities they faced, offered comfort, "It's alright, Joonie. One day, we will."


During the break, Taehyung was engrossed in his phone, tapping away at the screen. Jungkook, taking a casual seat beside him, inquired, "What are you doing, hyungie?"

Taehyung looked up, a small smile playing on his lips, "Chatting with Bogum hyung. He's asking to hang out."

As Taehyung continued typing, Jungkook couldn't hide a subtle pout. Taehyung, sensing his mood without even looking, remarked, "Stop pouting, Jungkookie."

Jungkook, not entirely convinced, remained silent. Taehyung, still focused on his conversation, addressed the unspoken tension, "I don't get it. Why are you jealous of him? He's got a girlfriend."

"I don't know," Jungkook admitted with a shrug, "I just get jealous. I can't help it."

Their conversation didn't escape Hobi's attention. "Who's jealous of who?" he chimed in.

Taehyung chuckled as he answered, "Jungkook. He thinks Bogum hyung will be my close friend instead of him."

The humorous situation had Hoseok laughing, with Taehyung joining in. Meanwhile, Jungkook, sulked so he decided to leave and went over to his Jimin hyung.

I know it's short but i will update tomorrow, I promise 💗

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