Chapter 20: Enigma

Start from the beginning

The way it looked like he was consciously suppressing his courtesy, by talking loudly and with small amounts of food still being chewed inside his mouth, but Adelaide noticed the way he looked disgusted whenever his friends did the same things,

It looked like he was trying his best to do everything he was thought not to do, but some of the lessons clearly got drilled into his mind, without any way out.

One of the most noticeable things that screamed of Sirius being a part of the sacred 28, was his posture. The boy stood tall, carrying his back straight. His head was held high, and the smirk on his face showed slight arrogance. And lastly, his shoulders were pulled so far back that his chest constantly looked like his lungs were filled with fresh air. It was a posture that made an aurora of confidence and charm surround the boy.

If Adelaide's mother ever saw Sirius posture then she would only need to use one word to describe it: Perfect.

But it wasn't just his posture that screamed that the boy had great manners, no. It was the way he carried his words, clear and always with meaning, it was the way he held a feather when he wrote, it was the way he always used a napkin to clean his face after eating, it was the small things that most people don't notice.

Adelaide would pounder longer on the subject longer, if it wasn't for the fact that her last class had just ended, and the two had agreed to meet in the common room right after it, and right at this moment professor Sprout, the herbology teacher, announced the closure of today's class.

Professor Sprout quickly repeated a shortened version of today's class, and told everyone that they should study more in their free time if they are interested in getting a high grade in their O.W.L's.

Now that the class was over, and the mandrakes were transferred to a different pot, Adelaide, alongside everyone else, finally got to put their earmuffs off.

"Adelaideee" Marlene called to her with a smirk on her face the moment she noticed Adelaide could hear her "You know what time is it?"

"It's time for you to finally let it go Marls" Dorcas sighted and gave Adelaide a pitying look,

"C'mon don't be rude!" With a scoff, Marlene picked up her things and then gave Adelaide a little nudge "She's just jealous that Sirius wants to meet up with you rather than her"

"No I'm not!" Dorcas said offended and crossed her arms "I'm just worried for you Adelaide. Sirius doesn't have a great reputation considering girls"

"What do you mean by that?" Adelaide said as she turned her complete attention towards Dorcas.

"He is the school playboy" Dorcas whispered to Adelaide, but Adlaide simply scrunched her eyebrows together and looked at Dorcas in confusion. "You know, the school's womaniser, ladies man, flirt, you get me?"

Hesitantly, Adelaide nodded as she got back to packing her school supplies back into her bag. The warning she got from Dorcas gave her much to think about, and she was wondering if it was really a good idea to meet up with Sirius.

"Why do you guys suppose he wants to meet with me?" Adelaide asked, she was well aware that she barely knew Sirius, while the girls had known him for five years now. "He barely knows me, would he really meet up with such motives?"

'Is it alright for me to meet with him' Adelaide didnt ask the true question lingering in her thoughts. She didnt know much about the present courting rules, so she wondered if it was really allright for her to meet up with a young man with possible intentions of courting her.

"Don't listen to Dorcas, dear Adelaide" Marlene slung her arm around Adelaide's neck and smiled up at her, almost as if she was sensing her worries "You will be the one to put out dear little Sirius in place"

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