Broken Part 14

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"Soap, how copy?"
"On it, Lt.. Power source is on the other side of the courtyard. Got vision."
"Make them go blind, Sergeant."
"Roger, Lt.."

He surveyed the compound, his eye peering through the scope of his riffle from his elevated position on the roof of the near building. Clearing it was easy, a little to easy for his taste. The absence of resistance gnawed at his instincts.
But the intel Laswell got seemed reliable.

"He owns about 12 properties. 6 of them alone are empty warehouses near civilization. We highly doubt that she's there."
"Go on."
"The other 6 properties are far away from civilization. 2 of them currently under construction, 1 burned down a few weeks ago."
"What about the last 3?"
"A mansion on a hill in the forest, one near the coast and a compound with warehouses and offices, somewhere in the middle of nowhere, occasionally used... Currently highly guarded. But that won't be an issue as soon as you arrive."
"Send it over."
"Already on the way, Lieutenant."

Movement on the other side of the building drew his attention towards it.
"Hold position, got movement."
His eye narrowed, just enough to sharpen his senses and identify the cause of the motion.
A group of armed men crossing one of the courtyards. A small figure stumbling between them. Barefooted, a ripped fabric hanging loosely on the curves it once hugged.
It took him less than a second to identify her. The same amount of time it took for his stomach to churn and for his finger to move towards the trigger.

"Talk to me, Ghost."
"Got vision."
"Should we get her?"
The desperation in Soaps voice almost matched his own as he watched the scene unfold. Two men lifting you up onto your feet, slamming the stocking of a gun against your head before they carried you towards the building ahead of them.
"Negative, Sergeant. They'd kill her right away. Stick to the plan. They're entering the north building."

Six weeks.
Six weeks since he'd last seen you.
Six weeks since he'd promised you to talk it out.
And now he was forced to stay back and let them take you away from his sight once more.

It wasn't like him to let his guard down and yet he didn't hear the footsteps behind him until the boots were right next to him, kicking against his own.
His blood froze in his veins. How could he let that happen? How could he fail to save you, now that you've been so close?
Hesitantly he turned around and looked in the eyes of the man standing in front of him.

"Bloody hell, Price."
"Thought you needed a helping hand." With a grin on his face Price, helped him on his feet, handing him the MK18 and taking the sniper out of his hand."Get down there. You're not supposed to be here."
Ghost nodded before his grip tightened around the gun and he made his way down towards Soap and Gaz. The sooner he would be down there, the sooner he could get you out of this nightmare. And he was determined to stick to his promise.
To not let you face this shit any second longer.

Price kneeled down and took a last look towards Ghost right before he took his place behind the sniper. Through the scope he spotted Soap and Gaz, waiting on a corner in the shadows for the next calls.
He reached out towards his radio to let his voice rumble through the comms. "Sergeants, hold your position, Ghost's heading your way."
"Drop the formalities, Gaz. Wait for him and get our girl back. I got you covered."
"Copy, Price."

With every second he moved closer to Soap and Gaz, Ghost's heart began to beat faster, a palpable manifestation of the mix of anticipation and urgency that consumed him. With every step, his senses heightened, determined to do anything in his power to get to you.
Soap stepped closer as he heard him approaching, reaching out to greet him with a smile and a hand on his shoulder. He didn't know how Ghost felt about you, hell, even Ghost himself didn't really know. But there was a silent understanding between the two of them, that Ghost needed you to be alive and in his presence again.
Not wasting another second, Ghost mirrored Soap's nod as the hand left his shoulder and he reached out for his radio to open the line.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant