Broken Part 10

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The red fabric of your dress hugged your curves as it revealed just enough skin to draw some eyes on you but not too much to let the owners mind get carried away to what the remaining parts of your body would look like.

At least Soap had enough taste to spare those conversations from you, in a scenario you needed to keep your mind on the task and not on some men, trying to make them leave you alone without drawing even more attention to you.

Your partner would take enough of your attention to make it harder than it needed to be.

Soap volunteered to take his place, but he made it clear that he didn't want anyone else to watch every step you made during this important mission.

A mission he was still unsure if he wanted you to be a crucial part of.

The mansion up on the hill was filled with men, some of them accompanied by obviously armed bodyguards and women in short and tight dresses, many of them obviously not old enough to be at this kind of occasion.

Most of the men were talking, drinking and enjoying the company of a girl, young enough to be their daughter.

Many of the girls were dancing or clinging at the man on their side, like every second they could get their hands on them they would get a dollar more in their pockets.

Swirling the ice cubes around in your glass as you waited for your team to arrive, your thoughts always came back to words you've read on your phone just a few minutes ago.

"He will talk. There's more behind that man than you know."

You wanted him to talk. And even more than that, you needed him to talk.

Your ears missed the sound of his voice.

Your nose missed the scent of his skin.

Your eyes missed the colour of his eyes.

Your skin missed the heat of his body.

Your heart missed him.

You weren't aware that all of your desires would've been met in a few seconds when you downed that last bit of clear liquid from your glass, leaving a short burn as it made its way down your throat, calmin your mind with ease.

If your eyes weren't glued on the empty glass in your hand, you probably would've noticed that Soap and Gaz already entered the room and tried to blend in around you and the others at the small bar in the mansion.

Your sharp exhale covered his deep inhale right before he gently placed his hand on the small of your back.

"Remember, you're not here to have fun, Y/N."

Ears immediatly recognizing his voice.

Nose deeply inhaling his scent.

Eyes turning to meet his.

Skin tingling under his touch.

Heart aching and begging for this moment to last as long as possible.

"Just playing my part." You mumbled, tilting the empty glass on the counter next to you. Your eyes didn't leave his, like they were drawn into the abyss that gently pulled you towards it.

His hand remained on your back, obvioulsy aware of the impact it had on you. As if he had lost control over his own body, his thumb started to move and brushed over your dress.

"Better keep your mind clear for this one." there was definitely a harsh tone to his voice, yet he kept it low to make sure his words only met your ears.

From the corner of your eye, you noticed a man with a dark blue mask looking at you, a soft smile on his lips as he watched the interaction right in front of him.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum