Broken Part 7

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Ghost kept staring at you, taking in every inch of your body. The fire of anger in his eyes slowly crept up higher and higher as he studied you. You never knew that they could grow even darker, but if you'd have had the courage to look into his eyes right now, you'd be starring into a darkness that only the deepest abyss should be able to hold.

His eyes trailed down from your face all the way to your feet, before they settled on your hands behind your back.

A hint of something in those dark circles once known to be his eyes you were unable to see.

„I thought we taught you better." The sound of his boots hitting the floor around you almost covered his voice wich made it hard for you to hear the emotions he tried to hide.

„Taught you to keep your mouth shut and your hands to yourself."

Emphasizing each word with a harsher tone until he was almost back to yelling made you realize why everyone tried to avoid his anger. It was a vessel, loosely covered but held closed with distractions and ready to explode when the chance was given.

It was just your luck that his own past taught him better than to destroy everything in front of him within a second. Knowing how much damage words and actions could cause to the smallest and biggest beings if not given in the right amount, rather than all at once.

Equal suffering for both sides to never let that happen to anyone ever again.

Restraint against guilt.

He came to a halt right behind you, stepping close and slowly wrapping an arm around your chest. The muscles in his arm tensed as he held your shoulder and his chest met your back. He didn't need to use much force to push your upper body back up - fixing your stance.

The breath tickled your ear as he leaned down, his voice sounding like the growl made to cause nightmares.

„I hope you listen properly this time."

„What did he do to you, huh?" the hand on your shoulder tightened it's grip before it moved to push your chin up, fingers curling around your throat, his thumb brushing over your jawline.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now