Broken Part 4

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The silence that followed was deafening, laying its weight over your shoulders like a freezing cold, a blanket you couldn't lift by your own. And if it wasn't enough to feel desperate during your conversation, it was your fait to keep this feeling for even longer.

Though never very close to him, the void of his absence over the following weeks was numbing you. He turned the tables and gave you your own treatment. Not even a cold shoulder, but pure avoidance.

He made his name all honor, lingered in the corners like a ghost, only to disappear when your eyes tried to get a quick look. As soon as you stepped inside of a room, you could smell his cologne, an indicator that he had left, just seconds earlier.

Your heart sank as you slowly realized that he was shutting you out of his life. No matter how hard you tried to see him, to talk to him, he would disappear, almost as if a shadow could take hold of his body and vanish him like he was never there.

Time was passing by, days turning into weeks, and the distance between you two was growing longer every second. Thoughts consumin your mind, remembering you every single second that you've lost a comrade.

Was it worth it?

Was your need for affiliation and recognition worth it?

Were those countless nights shared with someone you thought you could trust worth it?

Everything you wanted, just an armslength away, waiting for you to hold it.

Just to have it slipping through your fingers?

It felt like a punishment, a penance for your sins. But you knew it was your right punishment. You were the one who spilled intel to a mole, the one who ruined the mission. Just a weak link.

But at the end it wasn't you who gave the intel to the enemy. It wasn't you who pointed the gun on your own team. It wasn't you.

Until you felt like the mole yourself.

Until they made you feel like the mole yourself.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now