Awakening the Sleeping Dragon

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*HI!!! Um so...this is my first please be nice. And for some of you who don't like cursing, there may be a few curse words in the first chapter. Not sure about the others but just giving you a heads up. Also, seeing how everyone else says this, I DO NOT OWN ANY NARUTO CHARACTERS! JUST EVELYN, EMILY, KATIE, AND OTHER RANDOM CHARACTERS WHO JUST HAPPEN TO APPEAR! Thank you!!!*

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Chapter 1-AHHHHHH!!!!!! BLOODY MARY!!!!!

Evelyn's POV


"Fuck you!"Julia grumbled flipping me off before picking up the massive pile of cards.

Hearing chuckles all around us, I flash them an innocent smile and a peace sign. BS is a fun game, especially  when you're winning.

For those of you who don't know what BS is, its a card game that I usually play. My dad, or foster dad, taught me to play it at a very young age so I can shut up and go play with the neighborhood kids! You pretty much have to get rid of all your cards first and trick people into thinking you are telling the truth in the process. So my dad pretty much taught his child to lie. Isn't that nice?

A while ago, me and my friends decided playing  this fun little card game in school, outside at dismissal.

It was only suppose to be a little game with a deck of cards but noooooooooooooo. All of a sudden, everbody just decided that they just HAD to play too.

I mean this game is only suppose to have up to five people, NOT ELEVEN GODDAMN PLAYERS!!! because of that, instead of telling them to get the fuck away and get hit by a car like Julia tried to do, my friend Emily just HAD to be nice and let them all play as well. Of course there weren't enough cards, so we decided to use not one, but two deck of cards. 

"Two Jacks, I win!" I said putting down my two remaining cards

"BS" Katie said flipping over the cards.

"Ha! Take it! I win!" I hollered pumping my fists in the air.

"FUCK THIS!!!!" Julia said throwing the cards up in the air.

And just like that, hell broke loose. It was raining cards everywhere today and I'm pretty sure one somehow got into my shoe.

Seeing how the teachers were on their way over, I'm leaving. If I walk home with an office referal, I'd become handicap.

"Uhhh. im just gonna leave now..." I said quickly, picking up my backpack running to the bathroom.

"WAIT! We're coming too!"

Looking back, I see my two besties Emily and Katie following close behind.

"Oh hey! Do you have to take a waz too?"

"Um no. I just gotta check my hair," Emily said. That was when I noticed how messy her hair looks with a few cards sticking out of her blonde locks here and there. So I did wat anyone would've done. I started laughing my ass off.

"Its not funny!!!" 

"HAHAHAHA!!! YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS" I said between laughs.

"Thaaanks you're so nice" Emily said sarcastically.

What? Its not my fault it looks like something a cat would cough up. Okay, just kidding. But it was pretty close to looking like offence...

"I know. Aren't I so awesome?! Anyway. What about you Katie?" I asked between laughs.

"Um. I just wanted to follow you guys," she said in a quiet, adorable voice.

Out of the three of us, Katie is the sweetest. Shes like an adorable little girl. No. Scratch that. She IS an adorable little girl. She could make the most adorable puppy dog face that would melt your heart and do whatever she desires you to do. She has the big brown eyes to do it.

Well since I'm describing Katie, i might as well tell you about Emily too!

Emily is what you would call...blonde. In more ways than one. Both hair color and personality wise. Well she's not really stupid, she in fact, shes in my advanced gifted class. She just has a lot blonde moments. No really.


'Hey Emily guess what?' 


'Tomorrow's Chinese New Year!!!'

'Really? I thought Chinese New Year passed.' 

'Nope. It says right here!'  *shows Emily calendar.*

'Oh, but wasn't it last year?'

-____- comment...


I then snapped out of my mini flashback for my mind to process that I was suppose to reply... Yeah... I guess out of the three of us, I was the most special...

" Awww. You're so nice! Now can you help Emily get that stuff out of her hair? NATURE'S CALLING!!!" I ran into the stall, not giving her time to answer. Well when you gotta go, you gotta go. and I NEED to go.

I finished my business, washed my hands, and walked out to see my best friend struggling to fix my other best friend's hair. At least they got all the cards out.

"You look fine." I said.

"Easy for you to say. Your hair is gorgeous."

"Is it?" I usually leave my long black hair free and wild so I really don't see anything special about it.

"Here. Let me help." I took out a brush and started brushing. "There. All better."

"Yeah. You look great Emily!" Katie said smiling brightly.

"Thanks guys," Emily said looking into the mirror.

"Wait. What's that?" Katie asks.

"Huh?" I look closer to find that there is indeed something happening in the mirror.

"Um. I think we should go. I dont think giant ripples usually appear on mirrors on a daily baisis" said Emily a bit creeped out.

"Hold on a sec," I said looking closer. A hand suddenly reaches out and grabs my arm. I'm pretty sure that if i didn't already just go to the bathroom, i would've peed right now.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!! BLOODY MARY!!!!!" I scream, struggling against its grasp. On instinct, Emily and Katie grab onto me and start to pull the oposite way.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yell. but it was no use.  Just as I was about to die, something small went flapping by and slammed into the anonymous hand.

What was that? A fairy? Whatever it was, and whatever it was doing didnt work 'cause i was still being pulled deeper and deeper into the mirror. Until everything went black.

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*So that's the first chapter! Hope you guyz enjoyed! Plz don't steal. The only other websites I might post this on is possibly Quotev and Fanfiction. Leave a comment and peace! Until next time!!! BYEE!!!*

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