chapter nine: state of love and trust

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Briar, Alex, and Lexie only get a few moments of peace before they're swarmed by Mercy West residents.

"Any of you know what this big meeting's about?" Jackson asks as soon as he catches up to them with Pixie Cut and Weasley. The three of them keep pace behind them, Jackson walking right behind Briar, who tries to ignore him. She's tired, having stayed up all night talking with Alex, but she can't be upset about it. It felt nice to really have her best friend back: it's been a while since they stayed up talking about anything and everything.

"I heard there was a coup." Pixie Cut adds, walking behind Lexie, who just picks up her pace.

"Webber's out. Shepherd's in. Is that true?" Weasley asks them all, Lexie rolling her eyes.

"We know what you know." Lexie says, making Briar bite down a grin. That's a complete lie.

"Bull!" Jackson exclaims, scoffing from behind Briar, who pointedly doesn't turn to look at him. "Your sister's married to the guy. You expect me to believe you don't know what's going on?"

"Don't you have your own loser friend's to talk to?" Alex asks, making Briar laugh.

"The two of you live with him too. You definitely know something," Jackson continues, this time speaking directly to Alex and Briar, who fake gasps.

"Oh no, are you stalking me now?" She asks him, making Lexie giggle. "Gotta say, I'm disappointed at the lack of roses. . . love letters. . ."

"Oh, was that letter meant for you?" Alex plays along, smirking at Jackson. "Dearest Briar, oh how my heart beats only for y–!"

"Shut up." Jackson grumbles, shoving him forward, while Briar laughs so hard she's almost in tears.

"That was shockingly good." Pixie Cut says quietly, making Briar smirk over at her.

"He's a romantic." She tells her, fluttering her eyelashes at the girl with the huge crush on her best friend. "Not that you'll ever know, but . . ."

Okay, maybe that's rude, but she's annoying so Briar isn't going to apologize for it. Lexie giggles again, making Briar's smile turn genuine as she turns away from a now blushing and stuttering Reed.

"I also heard Shepherd plans to clean house." Weasley says, clearly changing the subject from Pixie Cut's love life.

"Hmm, you must've heard us talking about how messy the house has gotten." Briar says, playing dumb. Speaking of, she really does have to get everyone together to clean. A bunch of surgeons living together means that they're rarely there for long, and no one ever wants to spend their limited free time cleaning. The house is suffering as a result.

"Maybe he'll start with you three." Weasley continues, ignoring Briar, who snorts at the lame attempt at an insult.

"Dude, we're safe." Alex starts. "We're the guy's roommates."

"True!" Briar adds in, grinning at the annoyance being shown to them. "I made a roast the other night that he adored, he's never getting rid of me."

"Oh, that was so good." Lexie tells her, not for the first time. Briar just smirks back. She knows it was good, she's a really good cook.

"You're the ones who should watch your backs." Alex tells them, sparking up their worry again. Briar is loving this. They're so easy to rile up, it's hilarious. Also, Briar honestly hopes that Alex is right, and that they lose the Mercy Wester's. Or, at least two of them. Jackson has his moments, she can deal with him sticking around for comedic relief.

"Why? What do you know?" Pixie Cut questions, struggling to keep up with their pace.

"Simple math–Shepherd hates the merger, you're from Mercy West, you're toast!" Alex says, Briar giving him a high five.

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