chapter six: new history

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Meredith is back.

Meredith is back, and Briar is so excited. She missed her. Cristina will be so much more tolerable with her Twisted Sister around, and Briar needs someone to really gossip with. Meredith always knows the most drama.

Briar can't find her anywhere, which is annoying, since Briar bought her her favorite breakfast sandwich this morning.

When she sees Alex, she turns to him with a sigh. "Have you seen Mer? Or Cristina?"

"No." He doesn't look up at her, and she grimaces. They got in a huge argument last night, once again over Isobel Stevens, who might just be Briar's least favorite person at the moment. She saddled him with her medical bills, and Alex was trying to ignore it, like they would go away. And while Briar was thirteen levels of pissed off at the girl for doing this to him, she knew that he couldn't ignore them. The bills will get taken to collections, his credit score will tank, and he'll end up in court. He could lose his job, go to jail, all because Izzie is too busy running from her problems.

"Well, I bought Meredith something since it's her first day back."

"Good for her."

Briar takes a deep breath, reminding herself that she can't resort to violence. He's still her best friend, and they're at their place of employment. She'll just yell at him later.

"If you see her, tell her I'm looking for her," She sighs out as they turn the corner, only to literally lock eyes with a shocked Meredith. Cristina is next to her, just as she assumed she'd be, and so is Weasley. And. . . oh my God.

Nevermind, she's fighting someone in the hospital today.

"I may not be a doctor anymore, but I'm not a complete idiot." Izzie is saying, both Briar and Alex freezing at the sound of her voice.

Agree to disagree, Briar fumes, beyond angry at the sight of the blonde. Her and Izzie have had a lot of disagreements in the past–such as with the whole Denny catastrophe, or when she helped George cheat on Callie, or when. . . well, let's just say Briar has often wanted to smack some sense into the woman– but nothing compares to the complete disgust Briar feels for her now.

Briar isn't surprised when Alex turns and walks away, staying rooted to the spot herself. She can't help but glare at Cristina and Meredith, avoiding looking at Izzie for fear of how she'll act if she sees her stupid face.

"A little warning would be nice," She scoffs, while Meredith and Cristina don't seem to know where to look. Meredith grimaces at that, and Briar reminds herself that she's not the one she's so mad at.

"You need a warning to be around me now?" Izzie questions, having the nerve to sound upset. Briar shuts her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief, and doesn't bother answering her.

"Welcome back, Meredith." She says with a warm smile for her friend, who gives her a small, nervous one back. Briar walks over to give her the sandwich, which isn't hot anymore, but whatever. At this moment, it feels a little like an olive branch. "I've missed you."

With that, she walks away, going to find the new cardiothoracic attending she's been hearing murmurs about all morning. She's on her service today, and she hopes it's messy: she needs something to cheer her up.

She finds her with Owen as soon as she's put on the yellow protective gown and gone outside. Avery joins her after a minute, but she's more focused on walking up to her attendings with a perfect smile on her face.

"Dr. Hunt." She greets him with a nod, before turning to the woman standing next to him. Sandy blonde hair, green eyes, a few inches taller than Briar. Briar hopes she's a badass: some of the best education she's gotten from this hospital has been through badass female attendings. "You must be Dr. Altman, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Briar Sinclair."

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