Chapter 2

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It's been three hours since we escaped from Terminus and found Carol, who brought us to an old cabin where my baby sister, Judith, was.
I couldn't believe it, I thought she died after our last 'safehouse' at the prison got run over by walkers. I don't think in all my fifteen years of living have I ever been so happy.

Now we're walking through the forest, getting as far away from Terminus as possible. The people from Terminus are cannibals, they tried to slaughter us like animals for they're own survival, but luckily we got away.

My dad, Rick, is the leader of our group. I look around to the others in our group. Some of us have been together since the apocalypse began. Daryl is carrying his crossbow at the ready incase anything happens, Maggie and Glenn are walking beside each other with their guns out, Michonne is walking beside me with her katana on her back, Carol is walking next to Daryl with her machine gun hanging from her shoulder, Sasha is walking next to her brother Tyreese, who she was just reunited with at the cabin, and her boyfriend Bob, the others are walking behind us with caution. I don't really blame them, we just met at Terminus, but seen as we worked together to get all of us out, I think we trust each other just enough.

We've been walking for ages. Nobody was talking, we were just so happy to still be alive. Judith breaks the silence with her cries but they're not too loud so hopefully she won't attract many walkers. I look over to my dad's arms where she's being carried.
"I think she's hungry." I say to dad and he looks over at me with a skeptical look.
"Okay, I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat ?" I laugh.

My dad smiles at my laugh as if he hasn't heard me laugh in years, it's probably true, there isn't much to laugh about when the world has ended.
"No, there's no food, but we'll start hunting in a few min..."

My dad is cut off by the loudest scream I've ever heard. It gives me goosebumps on my arms and a shiver wriggles down my spine at the high pitched sound. It sounds like a girls voice, a mans couldn't be that high pitched...could it ?
I know everyone has heard it because all of their heads snap up at the same time. I don't think, I just run. I run as fast as I can towards the sound.
I hear my dad shouting at me and I look over my shoulder to see everyone is behind me, close on my trail. I turn to face them.

"Dad come on .... COME ON! We need to help them..." He looks at me for a minute, probably debating in his head what to do. I take a few slow steps backwards to mentally prepare him to start running again. He nods and jerks his head forward to indicate to the group where we're all running to. I need to get to this person. I need to help whoever it is that needs my help. I'm running and this time I'm not stopping until I find that person.

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