Hospital wing

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Harry felt useless, what had he been doing while Chuuya and Dazai did all the work? Nothing, he lay in the hospitalwing, staring at the curtains that had been hung up around Dazais bed, his brain couldn't stay focused, his eyes felt heavy, his arms felt weak and yet he felt as if he should run a marathon just to make up for doing.....nothing. What would Hermione, Ron and Hagrid think of him after this? Would they still think as highly of him or would they see him as a fake? I mean, he'd survive querral and Voldemort, the snake accompanied by Tom why couldn't he just... follow his own advice? Summon the broom, get the egg and the Dazai and Chuuya would have to do it all by themselves he could've at least distracted the dragon, that would be of some use to them right?

His thoughts were rudely disturbed by a knock on the door, Ron and Hermione stepped in, looking anxious followed by,a concerned Blaise, a confused/ shocked Draco and, a very disgusted but also amused, looking Pansy Parkinson.

Hermione and Ron cought Harry's eye before he had a chance to close them to fake sleep, he didn't want to talk to them..

Dazais pov

The hospital curtains were draped around his sped he closed his eyes, pretending to sleep while Madame Pommefresh unwrapped all of his bandages he felt so exposed so naked and so vulnerable he heard the door open and shut with the sound of shuffling footsteps, he felt something cold slip down his throat, he felt better for a minute but then the warm and bubbly sensation ended and he was back to square one he felt his wounds reopen and his bruises come into view, the dog bites started spilling crimson cranberry sauce and the scratches became red once more.The brunette heard the woman grunt with annoyance and grab a bottle of oozing indigo liquid with what seemed to be neon orange and green marbles in it she smeared the substance onto Dazais arms, torso and legs and re wrapped the bandages around his limbs and torso she buttoned his coat and slipped fizzy smokes on him, scribbling a note down on parchment and handing it to an owl before opening the curtaines to let a trio of slytheryns in.

Pansy stood in the corner of the room, hands crossed beside a seated Draco and Blaise, the three of them starred at dazai for a brief monument before noticing his eyes flutter open, at the sight of the trio Dazai grinned 

"Im pretty cool aren't I" Dazai said sitting up

Draco's face went form shocked/amused to annoyed "yea well it's obviously all thanks to me that you were able to pull that off" 

"Not true" the brunette pouted 

Blaise smiled faintly "your bandages have been replaced" I hope that that means that Madame pommefresh can sort this out with the other profferers if he isn't bluffing he thought

"Yep" Dazai said cheerfully "I haven't changed them for the last two weeks so that saves me a lot a trouble

Pansy made a face "yeah well, an idiot named Rita Skeeter wrote about you" she said tossing him a journal paper

Leafing through the pages he saw moving photos of him and Chuuya defeating the dragon while an obviously photo shopped picture of Harry stood there looking terrified (A/N yes photo shop does exist in the wizarding world, I am god so whatever I say goes, the end)

"Wow i look great in these photos" Dazai said scanning the articles

Has the infamous Harry Potter that we all support and worship been bluffing about surviving He who must not be named the entire time

Written by Rita Skeeter 

Two new transfer students have recently been transferred to hogwarts from Yokohama Japan, names are Chuuya Nakahara and Dazai Osamu, not much information is known concerning these two males other than: could they be more experienced in magic that a boy whom survived you know who at the age of a small child? Blah blah blah blah blah ect ect.

"It's nice to know that I am loved by everybody" Dazai said truthfully

Harry's pov 

After talking to his friends whom where not disappointed by his performance at all Hermione pulled out a manga series from her book bag titled Bungou stray dogs and Bungou stray dogs beast each of wich had a picture of a very familiar brunette on the cover

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