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After his fight with hermione Chuuya headed to the dorms, got changed and then headed towards the bathroom. His throat felt dry and he could feel his eyes become glassy. He cried, splashing water on his face so that nobody could tell even if he was alone he felt so vulnerable tearing up in a room for someone who would probably never do the same for him.

Hermiones given information proved to him that he was indeed just a second choice. Harry, Ron and Hermione had each other and Blaise and Dazai had each other.

But at the same time he felt like he sort of deserved this. He was never there for Dazai so why should he expect Dazai to be there for him?

"Fuck it" he whispered, turning off the bathroom light. And heading twards his suitcase who was still where he put it the day he arrived at hogwarts, open with clothes and books spilling out of it, he rummaged through the bag until he found it: a small corked bottle of wine.

Uncorked the bottle and drank directly from the bottle in away that would have disgusted Kouyou.

After finishing hall of the bottles contenance he flopped down on his bed chuckling without humor and instantly fell asleep, hoping to forget his thoughts about being a second option.

The next day he went down to breakfast but was stopped when he entered the common room


"It's okay don't worry about it" Chuuya said "you didn't know and it's not your fault for being alert, now please shut up before we draw to much attention to us"

"Are you sure?" She said, blinking the tears out of her eyes

"Yeah, now let's go down to breakfast"

Time skip 

The week flew by, leaving Harry as stressed as ever, as he walked from hallway to hallway, sometimes alone sometimes with someone he bumped into professeur moody, who was currently the most popular teacher amung the gryffyndors (and least favorite among the slytheryns) for turning Draco into a squirrel of some sorts, which Fred and Gorge found so inspiring that they, now starting to make a junk food shop (against their mothers will) decided that they would try to make a gumdrop that could turn you into a beetle, (used for temporarily escaping detention and prancing the Slytheryns)

"Uh" he said awkwardly "Good evening professeur"

"Morning, have you been practicing for the tournament tomorrow?" He asked

"Yeah.." he said, awkwardly, stopping in his tracks to face the one eyed wizard

"Good" He said in a gruff voice "Im counting on you"

He left, leaving harry as worried as ever, he sure hoped that Chuuya was right and Dazai had his shit together.

Divination passed, then Transfiguration,lunch, Potions, Charms, dinner and next thing he knew he was heading to bed, tomorrow would be the tournament.

He fell asleep, it was a dreamless night which was nice but when he woke up to remember the tournament, his stomach did a weird flip. What if he failed? What would the others think of him? Pushing these useless thoughts away he noticed Hermione and Ron already downstairs discussing the tournament

"Good Morning" Hermione greeted forcing a worried smile and a sideways glace at Ron 

"Morning" Harry replied, sitting down next to Ron and getting his wand out, to practice his spell, even if he already mastered the spell he felt it better to keep on trying

"You'll do fine mate" Ron said with a tone of reassurance and his voice

"Yeah..." Harry said slowly "by the way, do you know where Chuuya is?"

Yeah, he already went to breakfast. Woke up after Ron and me like you. I don't think you should worry, your team has three players while Dermstrang and Beau baton only have two, you have the greater hand"

"I guess"

Time skip

Dazai pov

As the rest of the slytherys started walking down to where the tournamet would take place, he, Chuuya and Harry all went to the shelved room that they were in the first time that their names  flew out of the goblet (Is it flew? Idk my grammar is shit) When the Trio arrived, Fleur Victor, Fyodor and Jane where all already seated  in the room, the trio took their spots in the middle row

Dumbledore cleared his throat before beginning his small speech "Good morning to the seven champions who will be participating in the first stage of the tournament, you will each dip your hand into this small bag- He drew a small pouch out of his pocket-, in this pouch there are three figurines of the dragons that you will be facing"

 Dazai looked around, as he expected, no one looked surprised, he was begging ten Gallions that Mme Maxime told her students about the dragons and another five that Karkaroff got wind of it and then told his students about it.

Dumbledore continued "One person from your team will draw a figuring from this pouch, the figurine that you will draw will determine the dragon that you and you duo or team of three will be facing, I will give you a second to discuss who will be the one who will choose from the bag

Okay, Im sorry that the first task is taking so long and im sorry for being dead, I was visiting my god parents so yeah, the paris subways are hell and Im so thankful i dont have to deal with in my hometown, Rest in piece to all of you who have to suffer through the subways where you live.


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