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Hello everyone 👋
Nice to see you...
Let's start..

In morning time wei wuxian was still sleeping in his room after packing clothes and his sword( suibian) which is father gifted him in his last birthday..as he like to practice...

His father was making his favorite food for his son... Don't know but he was feeling like it was the last time making him food he sadly smiling...

Baba... don't cry....wei wuxian said making wei changse noticed that he was crying...

He hurriedly wipe his tear that was flowing from his eyes...

Baba why are you crying? Is it because of me..

( Chuckled).... No my son ...not because of you...baba is sorry for yesterday... that's why..

Baba....xian xian is not angry...I know you have reason for that....hmm don't cry or I will also...

How old are my son hmmm??..


Yes three..okay sit I will serve you breaky...

Wow..my favorite...

Hmm let eat...

Both of them eat breakfast with wei wuxian blabbering and wei changse lost in his world....

Wei wuxian went to be ready also his father...

After being ready he went towards his father and inform that he is going to meet granny

BABA I will back after meeting Granny...

Okay came fast okay..... don't be late okay..


After wei wuxian went from there wei changse packed his clothes and put less then half money with him and all remaining money to his son pocket...he feels like that wei wuxian will need more than him...

Wei changse already wrote letter to his friend from jiang sect informing that he was coming there for some day.. now they only have to left from here...

Baba ...let's go...

Wei wuxian came running towards his father and after seeing his father waiting for him he also carry his bag

Hmm give I will carry it..

No baba I can carry my bag myself...I am strong like you..hihi

Both of them keep walking wei wuxian was talking about what granny give him and asking how the place is where they are going...they reached at outside the village where only few people walked there..

( Sad smile).... I know you are strong and always be..not let see anyone to see your weak side they can use for there profit...
Always keep smile on your face for your baba, mama okay...

Hmm...okay baba... Wei wuxian turn back to see his baba when he say that..

Promise me a' xian that not believe anyone easily other than where we are going okay...

What happened baba??

Don't know..but I am feeling like it's last time I am seeing you..

( Cry) baba ... don't say like that ...you are not going to leave me..you are not going to left your a' xian...

My son ...( Sigh)... Okay my little boy don't cry baba is sorry to speak nonsense...
Let's go...

Rainbow 🌈 umbrella Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora