Messing around (will & Y/n)

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I was messing around with a recipe me and my friends had made. I didn't know what was wrong with it but there was definitely something wrong with it, nothing major just it could be better. Today I added a little bit more of vanilla extract and a half of a banana. I know it sounds wrong considering it was cookies but I felt like it would cancel out some of the imperfections, either way they would be eaten.

"Hey Y/n. whatchya maken?" I hear will ask sitting at the kitchen island. "Just trying to get this cookie recipe correct, somethings off but none of the idiots know what." I say referring to my freind group as idiots. I rool outr mini balls of dough and place the uncooked cookie balls onto a baking sheet and put them in the oven. "you can be a tasty testor." I say, will gives me a nod like he was exited to try them.

"The house is a little too quiet. Wheres Tommy and Techno?" I ask will softly. "Tommy's at track practice and Phil and Tech are at Techs hockey game." Wil says, I give a hum of approval. "Well these will be done in ten." I say. Wil gives a hum to show he heard me.

After around 10 minutes I check on the cookies. They were done. I grab an oven mit and grab the tray, placing the tray on the top of the stove. "be careful their hot." I say to Wil, I see him nod. He waits five minutes then he grabs a cookie. he takes a bite. "These are alot better than last time." He says, I give him a soft smile. "thanks!" I say softly.


I'm sorry I haven't been posting, I've had hockey games every weekend, I switch between my mom and dads house on the weekends and I only have his acc at my dads, and school on the weekdays make it impossible with practice. The weekends are the only time I have to write, and I write most of these at 1-4 Am, rn its 1:54, but its the only time I have. So I'm very sorry this is short, I will try to write longer stories and more often.

Sbi x reader oneshots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें