target giggles ( Y/n + Techno)

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Sibling au

Y/n : pov

I couldn't sleep and it was like 3:30 so the most obvius thing to do was to go to my insomniac brother. I walk to Technos room and knock. " Come in." Says the monotone voice I've grown up with. I walk in and stand in the door way." Can't sleep , wanna go to target ?" I ask. He looks at me and nods. We go downstairs and slip on our shoes. We head out to his car. He unlocks it and I slide in.

We start jamming out to music. We didn't have our phones connected to the radio so it was just playing random stuff. I know most of the songs that are on consitiring ( I spelt that so wrong) I am a music geek. We are both jamming out untill one of Wils song's come on. I knew he was famous but didn't know he was this famous. We start jamming out to F/WS/S ( favorite wilbur soot song). I have to take a picture so I can show Wil when he is awake. For now I post it on insa with the caption " Who knew he was this famous?". I hear Technos phone ding. " Awww, You have my notifacations on." I say. " shut up." he grumbles back.

We pull into the target parking lot. Once Techno park we get out of the car and head into my second home aka target. When we get inside I head to the clothing section. I look at techno who tagged along with me. I start looking around while Techno follows me. I can sense he is getting slightly bored , one thing about Techno is that he will never admit when he is bored because he never wants to be a burden. I look at him and nod my head signaling for him to follow me. We head to the drink section and grab a box of our favorite flavor monster each.

I put both boxes in the basket I grabed. " Lead the way I got all I need." I say. Looking at the monsters I got. " Lets go to the book section." Techno says back. We head over to the book section and look around. I look at Techno in the eyes and giggle. He looks at me and starts laughing. we both burst out laughing. " Oh my god, we are way to tired." I say between laughs. He nods. Once we get our act together we start looking at books. " So we gunna act like that never happend?" Techno asks. " Yep." I say " We should probably get back home before dadza wakes up." I add. He looks at me and nods.

We pay and head out to the car. I open the pack of monster and open it. " I don't know how you like that flavor.'' Techno says. " ya ok mr. I like the origanal flavor.'' I say back. " Post it on Insta see what they like.'' Techno says. I take a picture and put it on insta with the caption " Which is the beter flavor , F/f or original?" I hear Technos phone ping I smile. " Get that stupid smile off your face." Techno says with fake anger in his voice. I look at him and roll my eyes. We pull up to the house and get out. I grab the bag of monsters.

Techno opens the door and lucky enough dadza wasn't awake yet." Oh thank god." Techno says in a whisper. " Here it's like 6:00 am dadza should be waking up soon." I say in a whisper aswell. Techno nods. " I'll take the monsters in my room and hide them." I say.  " okay." He says back. I head upstairs and finish my monster. I had already been in my pj's so I slip into bed. I fall asleep fairly easy consitering I just had a monster.

I wake up around 10:30 to Tommy yelling. I slide out of bed and brush my hair not carring to change. " Be quiet Tommy your going to wake Y/n up we know they donsleep well to begin with so please be quiet." I hear from Phil. I get downstairs to see Techno on the couch reading , Wil quietly strumming his gutar and Tommy watching tv. " Thanks for waking me up Toms.'' I say in a sarcastic tone. " Goodmorning Y/n." I hear from the kitchen. " morning Dadza." I say. " Breakfast is ready." I hear from the kitchen. I head to the kitchen the rest following me. I make a  small plate of eggs and toast cause I wans't to hungry. I sit down at my usual seat so does every one else. There wasn't asined seat but everyone had a usual seat that they sit at. " Who new he was this famous." Phil says while looking at the wall behind me. When I say I almost choked on my food im not joking. " Oh shit." Me and Techno say in sync. " Phone now." Phil says. " How long?" I ask while grabing my phone from my pocket Techno doing the same. " A week." Phil says.

855 words

Eat ,sleep , drink somthing perferably water but Idc.

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