karen (ALL)

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TW: Yelling , transphobia , gendering on clothing/ colors.

This is family au I will be putting if its family , friends or what au it is.


"Im bored." Tommy says." Wanna go to the mall not to far from here?" I ask looking around the room. " Ya , sure." Techno and Wil say in sync , Tommy nods. " alright let me write a note for Phil.'' I say. " we are going to the mall for a little while, we will try and be back before dinner if we aren't one of us will text or call you to let you know.--- Y/n. " The note reads. I look at them and smile " Go grab your stuff we will meet down here in five." I say. We all go up stairs to grab our stuff. I grab my wallet, headphones, and portable charger. I check if I have my phone which I do have. I run downstairs to see techno. After a minute both Wil and Tommy get downstairs.

We all head out to technos car, I get in the passenger side , Techno gets in the driver side. Both Wil and Tommy get in the backseat. Techno starts the car and starts driving. I connect my phone to the car and play a song. After a couple of songs I wannted to do something on my phone so I disconnect it and turn on the radio. The first song that comes on is one of Wil's songs. Techno , Wil , and Tommy start screaming the lyrics. I don't like yelling to much so I just sing the lyrics at a normal tone.

Once Wils song is over we get to the mall. We get out of the car and walk inside. We agreed on groups of two. It is Wil and Tommy then me and techno. We walk off to look around. We pass a hot topic I reframe from going there. It is my favorite store but my freind wasn't working today so I didn't really want to go. We walk into a store for Techno. I love the hoodies at this store so I wasn't to annoyed about going there. Me and Techno walk over to the hoodies because I love them. I Tell techno that I am going to a different part of the store because thats where the smalls are.

Techno pov:

Y/n tells me she is going to a different rack to look for smalls , I nod at her. After looking for a minute I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a woman  mid 30s. " Why are you looking in the mens section you are clearly a woman." The lady says with venom lacing her voice. " Ma'am with all due respect I am a man." I say looking at her    " NO YOU ARE NOT YOU ARE CLEARLY A WOMAN YOU HAVE A CHEST WITH BREASTS." She screams at me. " AND IF YOU WERE A MAN WHICH YOU CLEARLY AREN'T WHY DO YOU HAVE LONG PINK HAIR PINK IS FOR GIRLS." At this point I am holding back tears.


I walk over to Techno empty handed. When I see him I see a woman yelling at him and he is holding back tears." OH AND IF YOU WERE A MAN YOU WOULDN'T BE HOLDING BACK TEARS , MEN DON'T CRY." She screams. AT this point I run over to them and get infront of techno to block them. Techno is a bit taller than me and so is the woman but thats reasonable I am only 14. " WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY BROTHER." I scream at her. " SHE IS CLEARLY A WOMAN." The lady yells.I feel a pair of shaky arms rap around me. The lady walks away in satisfaction. I look over and see techno still hugging me with tears streaming down his face and his head down." Chin up your crown is falling." I say while putting my pointer and middle finger togerther and lifting his chin gently.

I grab his hand and walk out the store. I walk into hot topic still holding technos hand and go over to the  pride flag section. I grab a trans flag for techno and a les flag for me. I go over and grab two of each a shirt , pants , binder and crown. I see techno look at me becausei I grabbed two binders instead of one I go over put the les flag away and pickup another trans flag. Techno looks at me and smiles. I go up to the counter and pay. I grab Technos hand and bring him over to the bathrooms. I go into one stall and change techno does the same. Once I finish I thread the trans flag through the belt loop so it is visable. Techno comes out of the stall wearing the same thing as me I smile at him. " Hey , I forgot to ask what is your new name and pronouns." Techno asks while adjusting the crown in the mirror." Oh , my new name is Y/n and my pronouns are he/him/his." I reply.

As we walk out of the bathroom we go to Find wil and Tommy. we walk over to the food court because thats where we said we would meet. I spot wil and Tommy with only on bag each. I jog over to them. They look at me with shock and smile. " My new name is y/n and my pronouns are he/him/his." I say. " Well its getting kinda late so we told Phil we were going to miss dinner so we sould find somwhere that is open." Tommy adds in. " ok , There is a sushi place right around here so we could stop there." I say. everyone nods in agrement. we all get out to the car. Techno knows where we are going because that shop is our little hangout spot. We get there and order. After a couple of minutes everyone gets there food and starts eating. After we finish we head home.

Once we get home I walk in. I look at phil and mumza who are sitting on the couch. They look at me and smile. They both get up off the couch and hug me " My new name is Y/n and my new pronouns are he/him /his." I say. " Do you want to start testosterone?" Mumza asks. I nod my head. Once we pull out of the hug all the kids run upstairs to change I put on a hoodie and shorts and head downstairs. Once I get downstairs I sit next to mumza and Techno. He is also wearing shorts and a hoodie. Then Tommy and Wil come downstairs. WE all sit on the couch cuddled up. I am laying my head on technos shoulder and my legs on mumza's lap. techno is laying his head on top of mine. Once the movie ends almost every one is  asleep its just me and Techno awake. " Im proude of you for coming out to us." I say looking at techno. " Im proud of you. You came out,helped me, boosted my confidence , and made me so happy today." Techno says looking at me. after a little while we both fall asleep hugging each other.

Have a good day/night. Eat,sleep drink water.<3
1232 words

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