Chapters 361-370

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Chapter 361: Why Are You Making Offers When You Can't Afford It?

After arguing for so long, her lips were dry.

Yujin: "..."

These two were taking things too far!!

She glared at Lisa, "How are you so stubborn? Please take that dress off. I don't like dirty things!"

Lisa looked at her slowly and said in an indifferent tone, "You don't own this dress either, did I say anything to you?"

Yujin: "I already said that I will definitely buy that dress. It can only be mine!"

Even if she didn't care too much at the start, her competitive side had now been triggered. From a young age, she had always got what she wanted.

This dress was no different!


Lisa propped up her chin. "Then continue with your offers. Stop going up in increments of a million, you may as well go into the tens of millions. I'm getting sleepy."

Right at that moment, the shop assistant returned with a few cups of tea. The cups were elegant and vintage, and the tea swished around with her movement.

Lisa received one of the cups and took a sip. She squinted her eyes and fell back into a daze.

Jennie also took a sip of tea and nodded her head in agreement as she smiled. "Yes, this rich lady, let's continue."

Manager Wang attentively handed Yujin a cup of tea as well. "Miss Choi, please have some tea."

"I don't want it!" Yujin glared at her. "30 million!"


Jennie leaned against Lisa lazily and yawned in boredom.

It was meant to be a tough competition but the other party was being so calm. This made Yujin feel a little helpless.

Thus, her anger only grew.

"50 million!"

Lia scratched Jennie's palm and Jennie smirked as her eye curved.

"Wow! So rich!"

The two girls started clapping as they congratulated Chou sincerely.

"Miss Chou, you can take this dress. I'll take it off right now."

Manager Wang's eyes lit up as she stared at Yujin like she was the God of Fortune. "Miss Choi, do you want to pay now?"

At that moment, someone entered. As the wind swept past her, the coldness immediately woke Yujin up.

50 million!

Even if she gathered all her savings, she didn't have that amount!

Her face turned pale as she looked at Lisa. "Did the two of you team up to trick me?"

Lisa blinked innocently. "What are you talking about?"

Manager Wang's smile froze. Did this mean that Miss Choi had caused so much commotion when she didn't have the money?

Her tone immediately changed. Trying to remain patient, she asked again, "Miss Choi, do you want to pay now?"


Meanwhile, Lisa had already entered the changeroom, taken off the dress, and returned in her own clothes.

She returned the dress to Manager Wang. But the two girls did not leave as they stared straight at Yujin.

Mrs Jeon is a crybaby Where stories live. Discover now