Can of Worms

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Kai's thoughts towards (Y/N):
We encounter this weird snake upon confronting Lloyd Garmadon, also known as the Dark lord's son. Still, I couldn't feel safe with this snake being around us but luckily (Y/N) is not hostile and I think he has some kind of strange attachment towards Lloyd as if (Y/N) treats the little brat like his hatchling or something.

Zane's thoughts towards (Y/N):
It feels unsettling for others to see this unknown serpentine with us on board the Bounty. Still. I do not sense an evil intent on (Y/N). It is more of an attachment toward Lloyd, and I could tell by how (Y/N) would treat Lloyd like as if he were a snake hatchling, protecting his young.

No One's POV
It's been a couple of days since (Y/N) was staying with the Ninjas. Sensei Wu, on the other hand, felt like he was trying to find the origins of a Spectral Walker in his scrolls in his room for a few days now.

(Y/N) is outside at the moment, eating a bowl of salad containing carrot, lettuce, and spinach. The spectral walker wasn't a picky eater at all towards any kind of food.

(Y/N)'s POV
"Lloyd hey," I greeted the little boy while finished my bowl of salad. I smiled at him as I put away the bowl.
"Do you need something?" I asked the little boy as I looked at Lloyd.

"Help me prank the ninja because my uncle said so," He replied mischievously, and I got excited upon hearing it.

"Alright. Just tell me what to do, " I say while rubbing my hand against each other.
"Okay. First, throw Kai's ninja suit with Zane's whites. " Lloyd instructed me before I nodded in response before I went to the laundry room immediately.

I grabbed Kai's red ninja suit in the hamper at the corner of the room before I threw the red ninja suit into the washing machine that contained Zane's white ninja su

"Done," I informed Lloyd as I slither into the room that he is in right now.
"Okay then, mess up Cole's soup with spices," Lloyd says while giving me a bottle of spices to me, and I nod in response before I slither up to the stairs toward the kitchen.

I giggled mischievously as I slither up to Cole's soup, but the aroma was so good that I gave it a taste.
"Oh my gosh. It's so sweet, but at the same time, it's... a little sour. Gotta save some of this. " I then grabbed a tupperware, storing some of the soup in it before I put spices into Cole's soup.

I placed the tupperware on the fridge before I went to the deck to see Lloyd using a tool on a sparring bot, which looks so creepy to me cause it had a mustache.

'That is so creepy,' I muttered to myself before I shook my head a bit as I looked at Lloyd, who finished tampering the robot with a wrench.
"So now what?" I asked him before giving the bottles of spices back to Lloyd.
"We'll wait... For now, " He replies in malicious tone while rubbing his hands together. I followed Lloyd back inside.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked the little boy.
"I did eat breakfast," Lloyd replied, and then I began to ponder on what to do next.
'What should I do next... I guess I'm going to the bridge. " I thought to myself, slithering to the bridge of the ship.

Upon arriving there. I saw Nya organizing something.
"Hey (Y/N). How's it going?" She inquired while I smiled at her.
"I'm doing fine, really, just finishing the task that Wu told Lloyd." I replied while chuckling to myself.

She was about to say something to me when we both heard arguing between the ninjas.
"Wu taught them a lesson about rumors, and I messed up their stuff while helping Lloyd." I told Nya, and I watched her go up to a microphone near the control panel.

"If you're done following around. I could use you guys on the bridge. We still have a snake problem to attend to. Over and out. " She speaks through the microphone

"Kai. We can hear you, " I spoke through the microphone before I moved away from it.

After a moment. All ninjas, including Sensei, came to the bridge.
Lloyd, on the other hand, has a guilt written on his face, and I put reassuring his hand on his shoulder.

"Last we heard of Pythor. He stole the map of dens from Lloyd, and he is on his two open the last two serpentine tombs. " Nya explains to everybody.
"Ugh. Don't remind me, " Lloyd was feeling guilty about it. I'm quite grateful for my freedom if it weren't for Lloyd.

"Hey, it's not your fault. I'm quite grateful that you freed me, and I shall repay you with my servitude. " I reminded the little boy as I looked at him with reassuring smile, knowing that I'm going to be loyal to Lloyd.

"Pythor is our most dangerous threat. If he finds those tombs before we do. With intellect and all four tribes unleashed. There's no telling what he'll do, " I heard Sensei Wu speak to us as I looked at the old man.

Jay was about to speak when I beat him to it.
"I know where the locations of the Venomari and Constrictai tomb," I spoke with my eyes narrowed as I slithered up to the map of the screen.

"Wait, you do?" Nya questioned me as she looked at me and the map.
"This is the Venomari tomb." I pointed to North on the screen map.
"And this is the Constrictai tomb." I pointed at the Northwest part on the screen.

"Wow... I guess you're right (Y/N). How did you know?" Nya inquires while pondering.
"I memorized the map before my cousin Pythor took it." I reveal to them the truth, causing their eyes to widen.

"There's little time. Kai and Jay. You head to the Venomari tomb. Cole and Zane. You take the Constrictai tomb," Sensei Wu instructed the ninjas.
"And take this. You might need it if you run into Pythor." Wu added, and my eyes went wide when I saw the sacred flute that was handed to Cole.

Sensei Wu then turns to me, making me raise an eyebrow briefly.
"You might wanna go with Cole and Zane since you have the knowledge of Pythor," the old man instructed

"I'll try my best...Sensei Wu" I responded with a firm nod
"Good luck, Ninja... and also (Y/N)," Wu tells us, and I'm ready to confront my cousin Pythor.

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