Snakebit [Part 2]

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(Y/N)'s POV
Me, Lloyd and The Fangpyres we're going to get more forces since Fangtom or the Fangpyre General said that the Hynobrai has more forces than them.

My thoughts were cut off when I see a junkyard ahead of us.

"A Junkyard?" I mumbled before I slither into the scrap yard

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"A Junkyard?" I mumbled before I slither into the scrap yard.
"So...what are we doing here exactly?" I inquire to Fangtom before they look at me, glancing briefly at each other before looking back at me.
"We're to bolster our forces" He answered as I watched the other snakes come in.

[A Few Hours Later]
No one's POV
When Jay's parents got back to the Junkyard. The snakes including (Y/N) we're waiting for them.
The old couple became scared, witnessing the Fangpyre biting into salvaged vehicles and a helicopter.

'This is way too far especially with them being defenseless and old' (Y/N) thought to him and felt pity for Jay's parents as the snakes surrounded Ed and Edna.
"Hey wait!" The spectral walker shouted, making the red snakes and Lloyd looked at (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" Fangtom questioned the purple snake.
"Biting this old couple won't benefit us...I mean just look at them. They're old and they are just going to slow us down due to their age" (Y/N) explains, making the Fangpyres glanced at each other especially the general.
"Wow...You we're...right (Y/N)" Fangtom looked at the spectral walker snake.
"You know what...Tie them up" The general suggested before giving (Y/N) a rope. The old couple were relieved upon hearing this.

Ed and Edna we're being tied up by (Y/N) before he puts them inside the fridge.
"Thank you purple snake" Edna smiled at the spectral walker snake.
"Well...I'm sorry that you get involved in this" (Y/N) apologizes while a frown of guilt but at the time giving the couple a reassuring smile.
"It's alright. It's not your fault" Ed says, knowing that he knows that this snake has pity on them.
"I'm just gonna close this fridge with a little crack. So that you can breath" (Y/N) proceeds to close the fridge door, leaving a little bit of opening for them to breath inside. The spectral walker begins to slither away from the old couple.

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