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It's already been stated that Noah wasn't like most people. 

But in this situation, he was. 

The man was shocked when he opened his eyes. Always having thought that there was no afterlife. 

And at first, he had assumed he was in hell. 

But then he looked at his surroundings and realized he was in what looked like a hotel bedroom.

Utterly confused, he observed and looked through everything. 

But nothing he found was useful or gave him any hints. 

That changed when he passed the mirror. 

Instead of seeing a tall lanky man with brown hair and eyes, he saw a well built man with raven hair and blue eyes. 

Which brings him to now. 

Standing in front of the mirror, staring at his new body, wondering how he got here. 

Noah frowned. "Who's body am I in?" He thought as he stepped forward to take a closer look in the mirror. "And how did I get here? I should be in hell."

But his questions were interrupted by a sudden headache. 

Noah groaned as he grabbed his head and he almost yelled out when the pain got worse.

It felt like hours before it was over but was realistically only a few minutes. 

"Damon Salvatore..." Noah thought as he looked back at the mirror. 

"Older brother to Stefan Salvatore. Former lover to Katherine Peirce. And more importantly, a vampire."  

Noah smiled, something that was sharp and deadly. 

"Maybe I should take a look around." Noah said to himself as he left. 

Damon Salvatore had been staying in a town not too far from Mystic Falls. The man had wanted information before entering his hometown and making his appearance to his younger brother. 

"Not that I need that information." Noah thought. 

Damon had been looking into Katherine Peirce. The She-Devil that turned him into a vampire. The supposed love of his life.

"I don't care about her." And Noah couldn't understand why the original Damon did either. 

Katherine Peirce was clearly a woman who would flirt and open her legs to anyone if it meant she could have fun or get what she desired. 

It makes it even worse that Katherine was also with Stefan. "Why would someone want to be with a girl that their brother was with?" Noah questioned, disgusted. 

"It was even so obvious that Katherine was using the older Salvatore as nothing but an amusing toy."

Noah sighed and shook those thoughts away. He had more important things to do. 

"Like practice my newfound abilities." He thought as he stood in front of a bar. 

"What better place is there to find victims?" Noah smirked as he entered. 

He glances around, analyzing the people here. 

There are a few old men sitting. Clearly drunk if their flushed faces are any indication. They're seemingly reminiscing, talking loudly and arms waving. 

Two young men at the pool table. Brothers, if he had to guess. 

And a few woman at the bar. All talking as they sip their drinks.

Noah smiled, finding his intended target.

He walks over to the bar and sits. A bit away from all the woman. 

He doesn't bother looking at any of them, too busy staring at the bar tender.

"Think you could get me a glass of bourbon?" He asked. 

The bar tender stared at him before nodding and making it. 

"Don't think I've seen you here before." The bar tender said, trying to make conversation.

Noah assumed the man was bored or lonely. The only other people here his age were obviously busy with other people. 

Noah began to play along. 

He laughed, "Really? I've been in town for a while."   "And I know how much Damon loves to drink." 

"Oh, are you here for business or pleasure?" The bar tender asked.

Noah smiled, "You could say I'm here for a bit of both." 

The bar tender gave him his drink. 

"I didn't catch your name." Noah pointed out.

"Rowan." Was the response he got. 

"Thanks for the drink, Rowan." Noah said but didn't bother telling the man his name. 

After his drink, Noah looked at Rowan. 

"Tell me, Rowan. What's something you desire the most right now?" Noah asked, putting intent into his words as he looked into the other man's eyes. 

Despite having seen Damon's memories, he himself has no actual experience compelling people.

But he assumed that if he wanted it to happen or believed that it could happen then it will. 

Rowan's eyes glazed over. "I've wanted to get laid for months now." His voice was monotone.

"How old are you?" Noah questioned, intent still there. 

"24." Rowan answered. 

"It's not like I'm on a time limit." Noah hummed in thought before breaking the connection. 

Rowan's cheeks heated up. "I –uh don't know why I told you that. I–"

"I wouldn't mind fulfilling your desire." Noah interrupts, as he looks Rowan up and down, his message clear. 


Noah pushes Rowan against the wall and kisses him. He savors the taste before moving on to Rowan's neck, leaving hickeys all over. 

Noah pulled away and admired the bruises on the other man's skin before placing harsh kisses over each hickey. 

Noah didn't bother to hide his smirk as he heard Rowan moaning in his ear. 

Noah unbuttoned Rowan's shirt so he could kiss down his chest. 

Next Day

Noah walked out of Rowan's apartment and licked his lips. "That was fun..."  

Time skip, two weeks later. 

Noah pulled away from his victim and looked into their eyes. "Put your hand on your wound. Wouldn't want you to bleed out now would we?"

The woman put her hand on her neck.

"Good girl." He said, amused. 

"Now, I want you to go home and clean yourself up. If anyone questions you, you'll say you were getting a bit too freaky with a stranger." Noah ordered.

After the woman did as told, Noah began walking back to his hotel room. 

"I think I've adjusted well." Noah thought. 

"Maybe I should visit my hometown, see new little brother." He said to himself, a smirk on his face.

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