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Noah sighed as he laid in an alleyway, blood seeping out of his knife wound.

He didn't even try to stop the bleeding. 

Most people in his situation would try their hardest to stay alive. They would cry and beg to be saved. Pray to their God and hope he or she sends someone. Do anything within their power to keep living. 

But Noah wasn't most people. 

He didn't care. 

The man was perfectly fine with laying here until he dies. 

And unlike most people, his wasn't thinking about the people he'd leave behind. Wasn't worrying about what they would do without him or how they would deal with their loss. 

He was thinking about how surprising it was that someone waited so long to stab him.

See, Noah wasn't some innocent man who was mugged and stabbed. 

He was a lawyer. 

One of the best of the best, never having lost over 5 cases. 

But the people he defended weren't good. 

They were vile and disgusting. Most of them murders. People who killed for the fun of it or as an act of vengeance. 

None of them rapists or anything of that sort. He had some morals. However small.

So yes, the people he defended weren't good.

And neither was he.   

He's taken bribes and done dirty deals. All for the benefit for himself. 

Because it brought him to a higher standing. Made him more powerful then those surrounding him. 

He thrived off of the jealous and hate he saw in the eyes of his co-workers, the people below him who would never get to where he is. 

He thrived and those who lost to him plundered and drowned. 

The lawyers against him lost their face and reputation. The people they were defending lost hope. 

Not that he cared. 

There were many times where he had to stop himself from laughing at the absolute look of devastation on their faces. 

So yes, Noah isn't surprised he's bleeding out in alleyway. 

He was honestly expecting it to happen much sooner. 

And most people right now would be having regrets. They would think back on their life and wished they treated people better. 

But unlike most people, Noah knew he didn't regret anything. If anything, his only regret was that he couldn't hurt more people. 

Noah took his last breath and closed his eyes, a twisted smile on his face.  


AN: I re-posted this one first out of all my other good ones since I actually have a chapter 4 written (half written)

Also, some people didn't like that I didn't mention Damon was going to be kissing dudes. Lmao, I honestly didn't think it mattered. But sorry.

If you want an explain:

Noah, who is now Damon, was the type of person who did not care for sexuality. He slept with people because he thought it would be fun or he wanted a specific outcome.

I made it so that Damon and Katherine would seem similar in the regard that they use people. Only difference is that Damon doesn't pretend to care, he let's them know he's a bad person and that he's using them for what he wants.

The only exception would be when he's compelling them but obviously, compulsion never lasts forever in The Vampire Diaries.

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