2| Broken Crayons Still Colour

Start from the beginning

On the other side of the ring was the butler, Hans Berg. To say he was loyal was an understatement, but at the moment he was on a crossroad. To be loyal to the family that generously gave him job or to be loyal to a man that is misusing his power to have more power.

If he would be the one to make a first move either way, his death or a agonising punishment would be unavoidable. He choose the safest option. Ask for help.

Maybe I could ask her to do the first step and these two will finish it.

He took his phone out and called the mysterious person he had a chance to meet through Hansen. That time it was just getting information from other mafia boss and damn she was successful. They were able to take him down the following day.

"Please help me save Norway from Hansen"

"There will be a royal ball. Get me there as a guest."

"That would be too shady, the guests are all familiar with the royal family. If I can have a say in this, photographer would be way more subtle."

"You are pushing your luck. sigh• Fine let's have it your way."

"I am aware...Miss, I would like to ask for another favour."

"•sigh• Go on."

"Mr. Barnes and mr. Wilson are here and he wants to collect their bount-"

"I'll take care of it. Just get me to that ball."


What a woman. Just one encounter with her was enough for him to be head over heals. Formal, yet witty. Kind, but would kill you with flick of her wrist. He had never made a move on her, he was too much of a coward. However he knew this woman was way out of his league, unfortunately.

Hans shook his head. I have a job to do. And he started driving to the secret residence of the royal family.


The ride took about two and half hour. Fortunately the soporific medication was very precisely dosed. He was right in front of the house, when the two started stirring and trashing, which only meant they are about to woke up. Just in time.

"Once again I am sorry for this occurrence. I was tasked to take you the secret residence to meet the king, so it was better if you wouldn't know where it is situated... We're here."

"Well... this is not a good first impression" said Bucky with a hoarse voice, he turned his head and saw Sam still passed out.

Bucky nudged him, until he started responding. "Yeah, yeah... •sigh• ...I'm up" he opened his eyes and looked at the butler, giving him an intimidating glare.

At the entrance of the house the King with his prime minister were waiting. They seemed on edge, King had a messy appearance, his hair wasn't styled, the tie was loosed and he's face lacked of motivation, just plain emptiness. As if someone took his world away from him. Bucky couldn't judge him, he can't imagine through how much stress and worry the King had came.

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