Chapter 5 "Dark matter anomalies!"

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Tiff and her family don't have an official species name and they are obviously not Cappies, so I'm gonna be using a fanon term. If you like to know, it's Ebbrian or ebbrian.

If you're asking why Gooey exists in this world, because he's still in the games universe, I will explain that in the later chapters.

Word count (2896)
"WHAT THE-" Tuff screamed before stopping himself as he took the blue blob in front of his vision, studying it closely. Even though his turquoise hair was covering his eyes, he was somehow able to perfectly fine. The unusual dark matter was startled by the his new surroundings, he knew nothing on where he was, and it was completely different from what he is used to. Tuff watched the odd gooey blob seeming to panic or was it something else?—he was not quite sure but he should put his somewhere safe before he deals with this. Tuff leaned Tiff against a wall in an upright position, her dazed state held no reaction to Tuff's action. Tuff turned back to the blob but the blob disappeared, taking Tuff off guard as he took a fighting stance. He looked to see the dark matter has gone into the with new yellow 'petals' growing around blob's body in a circular fashion.

Tuff being brave and confident in his abilities, jumped into a send it the blob a powerful punch in its the face. Causing the blue slime ball to break apart like a overinflated balloon, splashing on the ground slimes-a-ly. Tuff was amazed and frightened at the same time, amazed in his strength but the fact that he killed someone was entirely new to him. While he getting through the moral implications of killing somebody that hurting others, the blue goo reform by to its original form. Now looking at Tuff in fear, and not knowing what to do to deal with this threat, went to the monster-ified yellowish white girl. The blob hoping to go back into her mouth but the blob's plan failed before it even started, as Tiff got her became fully aware. The bandage around her right eye was got to reveal the glowing red iris underneath, staring deeply into the little blob's soul, making him whimper like a distress dog.

"What's that thing..? Wait it's the black sludge the came out of me!? It's alive? How is this possible?!" Tiff said in disbelief as her (sort of) offspring ran away from her like sail but a hack to lot faster. Getting to the door and forced it to open with the help of his body's built up velocity, making the door go off its hinges. Startling the nurse who was taking a nap on the couch, cursing him the fall onto the chemical smelling, hard floor. The odd acting dark matter jumped on the nurse before breaking through  the window and, growing out its yellow 'petals' once again. Flying out of the hospital building as fast as he can with determination in his derpy eyes.

Tuff getting out of his inner thoughts by the loud racket, finally noticed that the bathroom door was open and his sister seem to be conscious once again. Tiff turned to him with uncertain look, obviously still trying to process that her unusual coloured vomit came to life. Tuff noticing that her right eye bandaged came off to reveal that she now had a red crimson eye instead of it usual emerald green colour. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Tiff raised an eyebrow at him, one hand firmly on her hip. Tuff put his hands defensively before speaking, preparing his sore throat for use.

"Well, your eye is a little redder than usual, and don't think it's pink eye." Tuff joked slightly at the end of his sentence, waving his hands into the air to remove the tension. Tiff eyes went big at what her brother said, quietly getting to the well cleaned mirror at the sink. She now finally getting a proper look at her new assets to her body, a red eye stared at her, sharp crooked teeth appearing through her thin lips. Tiff turned away in disgust and fright, she looked like some horrendous creature from a nightmare... but she does not need to focus on that right now. She needed to capture the odd dark matter that came out of her, so she ran out of the bathroom. "Hay! Wait up!" Tuff said, taken off guard by Tiff's sudden burst of energy, as he ran with her.

02!Tiff (KRBAY/Kirby AU, my version) ✨improved edition✨ Where stories live. Discover now