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Subaru took a deep breath and threw another book onto the pile at the edge of the table. As his eyes scanned the other books, he picked up yet another one, murmuring disappointedly, "Not this one."

Beatrice looked at Subaru with curiosity. "Betty couldn't figure out what you're searching for," she muttered to herself.

After a moment of hesitation, Subaru slowly placed the book in his hand on the table. "What I was looking for was to learn how to create a space similar to a forbidden library using Yin magic," he said, his tone revealing a certain indecision, as if he had exerted serious effort in finding what he sought.

Beatrice's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Betty can help," she said, with a hopeful expression on her face.

Subaru smiled and then gently responded by patting Beatrice's head, "No, it's not possible. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't," he said. Beatrice seemed a bit miffed by this response, her hopes seemingly left somewhat unfulfilled.

Subaru, with a mocking expression, added, "What I want to do is create a space resembling a forbidden library."

Beatrice pretended not to understand. "For what purpose? Are you thinking of using it as a refuge?" she asked.

Subaru clasped his hands and continued, "No, the created space won't have a specific structure; it will be dependent on me. This way, I can summon it whenever I want." He explained, "The primary purpose of the space will be to overload the mind of the person inside with excessive information, effectively rendering them paralyzed." There was a mysterious gleam in his eyes, as if he was trying to convey the full potential behind this project.

Beatrice pondered for a moment, her eyes shining with deep thought. "If you want to do this to someone, I think your own mind might be excessively strained," she said, a mix of concern and curiosity in her voice.

Subaru nodded slightly. "I could have done it in a normal way," he said. "But thanks to my body's automatic healing ability, even if I were to overload my own brain, it would instantly recover." As he spoke, his confidence and assured demeanor in controlling this ability stood out.

Beatrice couldn't hide her curiosity. "How does this ability work?" she asked, seemingly more focused on Subaru's explanation.

Subaru smiled and nodded his head in agreement. "I'll tell you another time," he said, then gestured as if checking a watch, taking a slight inhale. "Look, it's already very late. I better make my escape," he said, giving his final words, planting a light kiss on Beatrice's cheek.

Beatrice stood there in astonishment. "What just—?" she began, but Subaru's sudden movements left her bewildered.

Subaru, with a polite smile, said, "Goodnight, my sweet Beako," as he exited through the door, waving. Beatrice, still in shock, remained there, trying to comprehend what had just happened, her cheeks flushed. Watching the door with her eyes, she seemed to be processing the unfolding events.

As Subaru walked quietly through the corridors, his eyes caught the moonlit scenery outside the window. Approaching the window, he started to admire the enchanting view of the sky illuminated by the full moon. "Beautiful," he murmured, filled with a sense of peace.

Suddenly, an unexpected clinking sound echoed, and Subaru was struck on his right arm. With the impact of a spiked mace, his skin was lightly cut. Recoiling in pain, he quickly turned in that direction.

From the shadows, a cold and angry voice rose, "Rem would have wanted to finish this quickly." Slowly, Rem emerged, her hand tightly gripping the chain of a spiked mace, ready menacingly. Ignoring Subaru's injury, she advanced with determined steps. Her eyes glowed with determination, poised for the next move.

Subaru, with a sense of helplessness mixed with surprise, muttered, "Why..."

Rem's anger seemed to escalate uncontrollably. "You came here with that disgusting smell," she muttered, her eyes gleaming with anger. As she raised and lowered the chain menacingly, it trembled in her grip. "Rem will kill the despicable Witch Cult and save that poor girl," she added, her voice resolute and sharp.

Subaru looked at Rem with bewilderment and concern. "But why do you have to do this...?" he asked, with a tone seeking understanding. The balance between Rem's determination and anger seemed to surprise him.

Subaru reacted quickly to prevent Rem's attack. As the spiked mace descended, Subaru bent down and swiftly grabbed the chain. When Rem tried to pull back with the chain, Subaru pulled her towards him with a sudden strong tug.

Losing her balance, Rem stumbled towards Subaru, who quickly leaned down and delivered a flying kick to her forehead. Rem crashed into the wall, knocked unconscious. The corridor fell back into silence after the attack, with only the sound of Subaru's breathing audible.

Taking a deep breath, Subaru sighed, "Fuuu." He watched uneasily as Rem lay in his arms. "I thought this moment would never come," he whispered, a slight hint of concern on his face.

Dark Ram emerged quietly, her face displaying a considerable amount of fatigue. "Did it work?" she asked, taking Rem's unconscious body from Subaru's arms and examining her.

Subaru murmured slightly, "Yes, yes, everything went as you wanted," he said, but still harbored a lingering worry. "Come on, it's time for the second act," he added, determined and ready for the next step.

Observing Ram's sigh, Subaru approached with a teasing smile. "What happened?" he said, in a mocking tone. "Don't worry, it's for her own good. I just gently put her to sleep," he said, with a touch of humor.

Ram rolled her eyes. "You're a mischievous brat," she muttered, but then a smile appeared on her face. "But this situation," she said, with a bit of humor and sensuality, "Ram likes it." There was a subtle satisfaction and amusement on her face.

Subaru, with a mocking expression, commented, "You're quite peculiar," but a smile and a sense of sensuality appeared on his face. "And I like that about you," he added, moving closer to Ram's lips. However, Ram pushed him away with her index finger. "Another time," she said mysteriously.

Subaru grew bored. "Just wait, all you do is toss a log into a furnace that will suddenly explode," he said, with a mocking expression.


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