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Subaru sighed and leaned his back against the wall. His emotional outburst seemed to be in the past, but there was still a hint of indecision in his eyes.

As Ram lay comfortably on the bed, she turned to Subaru. "Ram wants to hear your plan," she asked.

Subaru responded thoughtfully, "Huhu, I like how cooperative you're being. I have two different plans in mind, and your contribution might help us decide which one to go with."

He continued, arms open, "Firstly, we repeat the previous steps. I'll kill Roswaal and if Puck shows up, I'll take him down too. Then we'll take Rem and Beatrice and leave."

There was determination in Subaru's voice, yet a hint of uncertainty lingered. His eyes seemed focused on the decision that would shape the future. Ram, on the other hand, listened silently, her face almost expressing, "Really, you fool?"

Subaru's voice was resolute as he elaborated, "This alternative plan is based on a deeper strategy against Roswaal. Rather than trying to defeat him directly, it's about letting him play his own game."

"As the second stage, we aim to increase Emilia's popularity among the people. This will pave the way for Emilia to ascend the throne and become the ruler. It'll secure not just our power but also gain support from the entire Kingdom."

Subaru's plan was more comprehensive and seemed to consider long-term consequences. Ram, maintaining a blank expression, carefully listened, focusing on the intricacies of the plan. The silence between them provided an opportunity to review the details and potential outcomes of the plan. Every move needed careful consideration, and this thoughtfulness filled the room with silence.

After carefully listening to everything, Ram broke the silence, "Will you use Beatrice-sama to increase your power?"

Subaru, folding his arms and pondering, replied, "Beatrice?" he repeated. "No, that wouldn't be of much use. Mana deficiency is currently the farthest concern from my mind. Instead, we'll ensure she protects Elara when we're not around."

There was a hint of sharpness in Subaru's voice, yet it carried a sense of determination. Being more explicit about his plans made him somewhat more at ease. Ram, meanwhile, reviewed every detail of Subaru's strategy, silently contemplating the significance of each move. The room held tension, but it was equally filled with determination.

When Subaru showed Ram a crystal emitting a strange red light with a black sphere in the middle, the room's atmosphere changed instantly. An emotional turmoil appeared on Ram's face—first hope, then worry, and perhaps a bit of anger.

"Are you going to bring her back?" Ram couldn't help but ask, her voice carrying both longing and concern.

Subaru murmured thoughtfully and answered, "It'll take some time. Because she's a special being. Besides being organically born, her hybrid nature makes finding an appropriate body for her challenging."

A sense of disgust appeared on Ram's face, and Subaru's explanation darkened her expression even more. As Subaru attempted to continue, Ram intervened sharply, "Enough!"

Subaru appeared surprised by Ram's sudden reaction and fell silent. The room momentarily froze in silence, intensifying the tension. Ram's expression mirrored complex emotions, and faced with this situation, Subaru chose to remain silent. The tension between them had become palpable, filling the room with an air of anticipation for the next move, uncertainty hanging in the air.

Subaru's saddened expression triggered a change in Ram's heart. "I'm sorry, I acted recklessly," Subaru murmured.

Ram gazed silently at Subaru for a while. Eventually, she sighed softly and added in a gentle voice, "Ram reacted impulsively. Barusu lacks the intellect to express himself correctly."

With these words, the tense atmosphere in the room slightly eased. Ram had somewhat released the tension she felt within. Subaru had offered a sincere apology, and Ram seemed to acknowledge that sincerity.

Subaru sat on the edge of Ram's bed, caressing her hair and looking into her eyes. Approaching slowly, he kissed her on the lips. At that moment, the silence in the room echoed an emotionally shared moment between the two. The room overflowed with the warmth and peace brought by this special moment.

Before proceeding further, Ram pushed him away, saying, "I have a headache," and laid down on the bed.

A vein popped on Subaru's forehead; this excuse had bothered him. He sighed again and left the room. As he exited, Ram said, "Goodnight," and was left alone in the room, surrounded by the echoing silence.

Subaru stepped into the forest through a window. The full moon shone in the sky, casting a magical atmosphere with the trees reflecting its light. A cool breeze gently swayed the branches of the trees.

As he sat on the ground, he formed a small pile of dirt in front of him. Carefully, he placed a blue crystal in the center and covered it with some earth. While observing this unusual ritual, the silence of the forest was only disrupted by the gentle rustle of the wind.

Subaru collected the blood dripping from a small cut on his hand. He let the dripping blood fall onto the crystal.

The mystical event that occurred as Subaru's blood dripped onto the earth created a profound change in the forest. When his hand met the ground, a mysterious smoke rose as a blue light. The earth started to slightly stir with this light. It formed a silhouette resembling a human, then transformed into a woman's figure. Details like eye color, skin tone, and hair length gradually appeared. The transformation became a captivating spectacle for the onlookers.

For a few minutes, the earth continued this mystical transformation. Eventually, a woman with white hair emerged, exuding innocence and peace as if in a slumber amidst this peculiar atmosphere.

As the woman slowly opened her eyes, surveying her surroundings in surprise, she immediately knelt before Subaru. "SUBARU-SAMA," she said, her voice carrying pure devotion and respect.

Subaru smiled at the approaching Rossweisse and asked, "Hey, Rossweisse, how are you?"

Rossweisse scrutinized Subaru deeply with her blue eyes and sincerely replied, "I'm perfectly fine, Master. I'm eternally grateful for granting me a form. Thank you a thousand times for bestowing upon me the honor to serve you once again."

Subaru sighed upon hearing Rossweisse's sincere and admiring words. There seemed to be a stifling atmosphere, perhaps not the dialogue he expected. The conversation, with Rossweisse's expressions of gratitude, created an atmosphere where Subaru struggled to sincerely listen.


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