Part 38

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Mark looks at Donghyuck, who is lying down and seemingly in a deep sleep. His cheek is already turning purple and looks quite swollen. Mark wonders who hit him like that. He refrains from letting his hand caress the younger's hair because he feels Jaemin's gaze on him.

But he also notices Jaemin holding Jaehyun's hand, as if trying to seek for comfort. Which Jaehyun seems to be doing by caressing the other's hand.

Jisung is sitting in a corner. Mark joined him earlier because Jisung sent him a message saying that his brother had probably forgotten him and that he was feeling sad. Mark didn't waste a second to come and find the other.

He was going to take him home, but Jaemin eventually arrived. Mark looks at Jaehyun and gives him a small nod to tell him to go to his brother's side. Jaehyun has spent so little time with his brother that he doesn't know how to act, he has trouble reading the younger's emotions.

Jaemin sees the look Mark is giving Donghyuck. It's not a look that Mark uses on him. Mark also feels a certain resentment towards Jaehyun. This man is flirting with his ex, for whom he still has feelings, and he slept with the boy he is starting to have feelings for.

Jaemin has Donghyuck's phone in his hand, when he suddenly feels it vibrate and sees several messages from Doyoung. But these are written in Korean. Jaemin can understand orally, but written is almost impossible for him.

"Mark, can you answer Doyoung?"

Mark walks over to Jaemin to take the phone. He sees Mark easily unlock it by tapping the code and responding to Doyoung. Jaemin wonders when the two of them became so close ? Even he doesn't know Donghyuck's code.

'Doyoung: Hyuck you haven't gone to any of your therapy promised me you would try 

Donghyuck: It's Mark, Hyuck is a little tired he fell asleep but I'll talk to him 

Doyoung: Thanks, maybe he'll listen to you"

"Can Hyuck come to our place?" Jisung asks suddenly.

The other three are surprised at Jisung's sudden request. They don't even consult each other and think that it is the best thing to do for Jisung and for Donghyuck.

"Yeah, so I can make sure everything is okay," says Jaehyun.

Mark doesn't seem very happy about this idea. He kissed Jaemin, and what if Donghyuck, to return, decided to kiss Jaehyun ? Or worse, what if Donghyuck had been attracted to Jaehyun from the start?

A ton of questions run through Mark's head, but his thoughts quickly leave his mind when he sees Donghyuck open his eyes slightly and place his hand at the level of his temple, wincing in pain.

Mark couldn't help himself this time and placed his hand on Donghyuck's.

"Don't touch it, it's still fresh," Mark said.

Donghyuck was surprised when he recognized Mark by his side. He seemed stunned and said nothing, he noticed Jaehyun and Jaemin, each on one side of Jisung, trying to reassure him.

"Hyuck, I'm sorry for what Chenle said," Jisung said, starting to cry and hugging Donghyuck.

Donghyuck was still a little confused and stunned, he didn't understand the other boy who was speaking to him in English.

Hearing the lack of response, Jaehyun decided to approach Donghyuck. He had a small worried look on his face that didn't reassure Donghyuck.

"You took a good hit, you must be a little dazed," Jaehyun said. "Can you tell me your name?"

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