Part 12

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Donghyuck didn't go to school today. He preferred to stay with his parents to keep them company; he knew that this day was mentally tough for them. It was also difficult for him, but Donghyuck had always refused to express his negative emotions, or at least the ones he considered negative.

Deep down, he's hurt just as much as his parents.

The three of them stood in front of the grave they had installed in memory of his little sister. Donghyuck kept his eyes fixed on the grave, reading the inscription "12.05.2007 - 14.04.2017".

Today was 14.04.2023. Yet, the pain in his heart was still as strong; he felt his stomach tighten, his heart painfully beating in his chest. But he gave his all to remain as neutral as possible.

He listened to his parents shedding tears and sobbing loudly. They had done everything to help her, truly everything. Unfortunately, sometimes certain people are destined to leave early. Each of them placed a flower near the grave; Donghyuck placed a teddy bear he had bought with the money Mark had given him.

He was sure his sister would have liked such things.

He couldn't stay here any longer; all the memories were hurting him. Donghyuck's parents wished he would talk more, express his emotions, open up to others. But nothing worked; he preferred to shut himself off in his own bubble.

Donghyuck left the cemetery, but at the exit, he crossed paths with Johnny and Jeno, who seemed to be talking quietly. Both waved with big smiles. Donghyuck made a slight gesture, not having the strength to do more.

They both realized that Donghyuck didn't seem to be in his normal state. The bags under his eyes were even more pronounced and reddened than usual; his naturally bronzed face seemed pale.

Then they saw Donghyuck's parents leaving the cemetery in tears. They quickly understood that it wasn't  an happy day for them. Maybe they lost someone today ? But who ? They don't have family in here and no communication with their past country.

Johnny couldn't help but glance at the cemetery. He saw a small stone surrounded by flowers and a teddy bear. Donghyuck let his parents go back home and  he followed Johnny's gaze.

The two of them noticed that Donghyuck seemed thoughtful; they didn't say anything, understanding each other without words. Donghyuck's eyes seemed to be shining, like if he was going to cry at any moment.

"That's my little sister ," Donghyuck finally said. "Her name is Yeri."

"That's a beautiful name," Jeno replied, not wanting to push Donghyuck to say more.

Donghyuck let a small smile escape. He went back to the grave, and Johnny and Jeno took it as an invitation to follow him. Donghyuck stopped in front of the small stone with her name engraved on it; he kept his hands in his pockets.

The two felt sad seeing the dates on the grave. She was so young. Jeno ventured a glance at Donghyuck; he didn't seem sad, well, he seemed more lost. Still wondering how he could have prevented this.

"We were rationed in medicine and food," Donghyuck suddenly said. "We tried to give her a part of our rations, but she was too frail and too sick to survive."

"It must have been horrible to see her like that," Johnny finally said.

"Yes, it was," Donghyuck replied, "but I like to think that she's not suffering anymore. She was the most beautiful girl and even with everything that happened to her she still was joyful and always making jokes"

The three of them remained in silence for a while; they knew that sometimes Donghyuck just needed company and not words, trying to comfort him. He didn't like that. Donghyuck reached out and took Johnny's hand; he gently squeezed it in his own.

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