Start from the beginning

"Mikael!" Eun-ji suddenly exclaimed as she stood from her seat, grabbing the boy by his arm and plopping him down right next to (Y/n). "The hell took you so long? I want to introduce you to someone!"

(Y/N) sighed.

So that's why Eun-ji didn't sit with anyone...

She was waiting for Mikael...


"Introduce?" He scoffed while slouching down in his chair. "I don't want to know her anymore than I already do, thanks."

"You two know each other already?" Eun-ji raised a brow at that.

"We unfortunately live together."

The girl gasped, her eyes widening as she then exclaimed, "Is this like an arranged marriage deal or some shit!? Is she engaged to you, or to your other brothers!? Holy shit, it better not be Cassius, I already decided I would be the one to marry him!"

"I'm not engaged to anyone," (Y/N) raised her hand to stop the other from going off on a tangent. "I'm their step-sister. Well, almost. My mother is going to be marrying their father this winter."

"Oh... good, then. Still... stay away from my man."

"Cassius is literally a bitch. Why the fuck are you so interested in him?" Mikael rolled his eyes with a scoff, crossing his arms over his chest and ignoring the middle finger Eun-ji flipped his way.

"Cassius is literally an angel! He's helped me so many times!"

"What did he do?" (Y/N) questioned, a bit skeptical too of Eun-ji's explanation since when she had met Cassius, he seemed cold and detached.

"He helped me up when I tripped, he let me borrow a pencil, he gave me food when my stomach growled, and when I was in the infirmary, he helped bandage my leg when the nurse was out!" Eun-ji sighed as she propped her head up on the desk with her head, giggling softly to herself when remembering such times. "Not only that, but he's a good artist and so handsome, too..."

"What the actual hell?" Mikael muttered under his breath in annoyance.

Before (Y/N) could ask the other girl any more questions about her new step-brother, the teacher began class and she was forced to close her mouth and pay attention. Since she didn't want to fall behind any more than she already was, she made sure to diligently take notes and catch anything the teacher said.

She couldn't afford to mess up, especially if she didn't want to disappoint her mother.

And while she was still upset with Miranda for suddenly springing onto her a new father and brothers, she still cared about what she thought. And if it meant getting good grades or getting along with her new step family, she would do so so the woman could be happy.

And she deserves that.

I haven't seen her this happy in a long time.

Jotting down her last note just as the bell rang for second period, she let out a small sigh of relief as the teacher wrapped up for the day. Packing up her bag, she then glanced down at her schedule to see that she had English next.

"Sweet, we have a couple classes together after this," Eun-ju commented as she looked over her shoulder.

"Oh, really? Which ones?"

"Luckily, I have English with you now, so let's go!" She hooked her arm with (Y/N)'s and started barreling down the hallway, shoving people out of her way without care.


Flustered at the glares people sent her, along with the shouts that came from Eun-ji's trample, (Y/N) hoped that the burning feeling in her face didn't show. She then face planted into the girl's back when she suddenly stopped, rubbing her nose and about to say something before silencing when seeing the rather tall and intimidating boy in front of her.

What is it now?

"Hey, can you get outta my way?" Eun-ji rolled her eyes as she tried to sidestep the boy.

It didn't work.

"What the hell, bro? Move!"

"No," he answered, his voice gravelly and rough, matching with his rather delinquent-like appearance. "After you beat up my entire gang, I think it's time I return that favor, Eun-ji Cho."

(Y/N) almost fell over.

The hell did he just say!?

    The hell did he just say!?

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