"Honestly, where are your manners! Why would you flick my-"
Seulhyun immediately zipped her mouth once Niki placed his hand on her cheek, cupping her face as his warm eyes melted the previous resentment she held against him. "I'm sorry, idiot." He said.

Raising her brow, she questioned him: "I'm an idiot?"

Niki nodded, "My idiot." He told.

Sighing, Sunoo couldn't handle it anymore. "Can't you save the lovey dovey stuff for somewhere more private?" He stuffed his hands into his pants, "As you can see I'm standing here with you all."

Niki frowned at his brother, facing him. "Then feeling free to go somewhere else." He said, receiving a wide-eyed Sunoo as a response.

"Yah, I'm older than you. You should show some respect!" Sunoo scolded, a pout showing on his lips causing Seulhyun to stifle a smile. Niki and Sunoo continued their little banter infront of Seulhyun while her hands were still imprisoned in Niki's hold. She tried to pry his hand off of hers, but it didn't work as his grip only strengthened.

She rolled her eyes with a smile. How annoying...

Then, as she lifted her head to the side, checking their surroundings, she saw Mrs. Kang passed by with a pained expression on her face.

Seulhyun frowned wondering why Mrs. Kang looked that way as she moved forward trying to follow her figure. It seemed to her, Mrs. Kang was in a hurry as her steps were fast paced.

Niki caught on to Seulhyun's distracted face and looked at where she was looking at, seeing the silhouette of an elderly. He guessed it was Mrs. Kang she had been looking at, and pursed his lips. He thought he had successfully drew her mind away from the anxious thoughts circling in her head, but the mere sight of her mentor had brought her back to her worries.

The silence from Niki made Sunoo wonder why everyone suddenly became hushed. He glanced at Niki and Seulhyun back and forth, getting more confused with each passing second. "Uh..."

"Hello?" He waved his hand in the space between their faces and got nothing in response. He sighed as he began to feel frustrated by how lonely and left out he started to felt. "Are you really ignoring me now?"

Snapping her head towards the sulky prince. Seulhyun frantically shook her head, waving her hands as a way to deny his accusation. "No! I just got distracted by Mrs. Kang- that's all!!"

"Mrs. Kang..?" Sunoo questioned. "What's the matter with Mrs. Kang?"
Curiosity laced his bright voice and Niki cleared his throat from hearing his brother's question.

Seulhyun opened her mouth and sucked in a heap of air as she tried to form words to explain everything to Sunoo, however she found it more difficult telling it to Sunoo than Niki. Meanwhile, Niki was watching his lover struggle with herself. Should he help her? But is it his story to tell?

Giving up, Seulhyun just flailed her hands up, and pressed her lips together. "Honestly, I don't know how to explain this- I just saw- well, heard- Princess Aera scolding and threatening a staff from this kingdom, and the thing is.."

"I don't know who she was talking to." Seulhyun finished as she scrunched her dress in her hands out of exasperation. She felt dumb. Goodness. She felt awfully dumb. She has been living in this castle for centuries, yet she is unable to identify the owner of the voice. Is there something wrong with her ears? If only she had focused more on the conversation rather than her pounding heart then maybe she would have been able to recognize the voice.

On the other hand, Sunoo was staring at the brunette—glancing at his brother as he tilted his head, questioning Niki why she was so worked up.

Although what she had witnessed the night before is a huge clue for the answer they are seeking, nevertheless it shouldn't be her fault if she can't recognize the voice.

Why is she putting the blame on herself?
"Seulhyun, it's alright if you can't distinguish the voice. At least you've got a clue on what is happening." Sunoo insisted.

Niki nodded, rubbing her back to soothe her while Seulhyun looked at Sunoo. "Why don't you tell us what other clues you had heard from the conversation, and we'll help you narrow your options down."

"Does that sound good to you?" Sunoo asked, earning a slow nod from her as she looked at Niki for assurance.

"Then let's begin the hunt."

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