Christmas Nights pt 1

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Tails woke up in a strange world that he could not recognize.

It was a beautiful area , with doors and a fountain in in the middle

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It was a beautiful area , with doors and a fountain in in the middle.

Tails got up and look around.

Tails:"where am I "

???: Ahhh..mmm."

Tails looked to see Cosmo sleeping on the ground near .

Cosmo was sleeping peacefully and Tails went
to her and shook her gently to wake her up.

Tails"Cosmo!!Cosmo!!!, Wake up!!"

Cosmo: " Tails, what is it , it's late"

Cosmo rosed up and yawned but stopped

Cosmo: " Ahhhh... Huh?"

Cosmo looked around in surprise with her sleepiness gone.

Cosmo" Tails... Where are we ?"

Tails looked around unsure what to say.

Tails: " I really don't know "

???:"Ohh..Hoo...Hooo, looks like we have some new guests here"

Tails and Cosmo looked up to find that gentlemanly voice to see a brown featherly figure.

Tails and Cosmo looked up to find that gentlemanly voice to see a brown featherly figure

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It was a very well dressed owl with glasses that flew down to them.

???: " Well, seems we have new visitors in a long time, My name is Owl"

Tails: " Well, Mr . Owl , where are we? "

Owl: "You children are at the dream gate. "

Cosmo " Dream Gate?"

Owl:" Yes, This is the entrance to the World of Dreams or those like me who live here called it the Dream dimension."

Tails:" I get it, we came here because we fell asleep"

Owl: " Spot on , young fox only those who are asleep can - "

The owl was cut off by something moving at high speed and spinning above them. With sparkles coming out of its hands.

The figure stopped and floated above them.

I know Nights is genderless, but I am referring it as a she/her I have always seen it as a girl

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I know Nights is genderless, but I am referring it as a she/her I have always seen it as a girl.

She sounds like this

The figure looks like a jester with purple highlights. With Sapphire blue and face similar to Cosmos .

Nights: " Well look at these new faces, my name is Nights. What's yours?"

Tails" My name is Tails..."

Cosmo " My name is Cosmo..."

Nights smiled and bowed .

Nights: "it is nice to meet a lovely couple. It's better than this old bird.."

Owl:" Excuse me!! How rude, especially when I was talking to our new guests."

Nights raised its hand out.

Nights: " So who wants to dualize with me?"

Tails and Cosmo " Dualize??"

Owl" One of you will assimilate with nights by touch. When you do you will gained nights abilities like flight along with your own"

Tails: " it's kind weird that you told us this and think we are going along with it."

Nights" like do you have anything better to do? Besides it will be a grand experience.

Cosmo" it will be Christmas by the time we wake up. Think of this as a special Christmas present..."

Cosmo stepped up to Nights

Cosmo: " I will dualize with you.."

Tails: " Cosmo ? Wait , are you sure about this?"

Cosmo:" Im sure it will be okay. Also, it will be easier to move if we both fly"

Cosmo touched nights and bright light encompassed both of them

Tails helded his arm to his face

When he looked he could not belive his eyes

The being looked a mixture of Cosmo and Nights

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The being looked a mixture of Cosmo and Nights .

Tails" So Cosmo or Nights , how do you feel?"

Cosmo+Nights" Good but call me Cosmic Nights.."

Tails smiled at Cosmic Nights

Cosmic Nights was a mixture of Cosmo's and Nights voices.

Cosmic Nights:" Let's Go!!!"

Cosmic Night floated in the air gesturing for Tails to fly up.

Taiks spinned his Tails flying next to CN.Tails down to Owl .

Tails: "We will see you , soon Mr. Owl"

Owl:" Take Care !!"

Tails and CN flew fast into the world of dreams.

See you in next chapter

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