Sickly days

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Tails: "Ah Ah Achoo!"

Tails sniffles and blows his nose.

Tails: "Man, this sucks..."

Tails has caught a cold and resting in his bed.It was raining pretty heavy.

Tails: "Man, I hate being sick....Sniffle"

Tails took some orange juice.

Then there was a knock on his door

Cosmo: "Hey, Tails. I brought you some soup and a sandwich~.."

Tails: "Thanks, Cosmo..."

Cosmo had made some Grilled cheese on flatbread. With a cup of tomato soup with a golden apple cut into pieces.

Cosmo sat on a chair close to Tails. Cosmo grabbed a spoon and took some of the soup. Blew on it gently and offered it to Tails.

Tails : "Thank you, Cosmo..."

Tails ate the food and enjoyed the deliocus taste. The soup was great with many spices that he could taste.

Tails : "Cosmo, that was really good..."

Cosmo grinned

Cosmo:I learned it from a cookbook that Vanilla gave me. I have been wanting to try it. It turned out better than I hoped~..."

Tails looked down in thought

Tails: "Hey, Cosmo. I know that we have been busy with the Reunion and the Castle incident. But, what are we going to name our kid..."

Cosmo : "I have been wondering about that myself. If it was a girl was going to name her after my sister~..."

Tails: "If it was a boy, I remember reading about a famous flyer in Chris's world named John. C Robinson he was nicknamed the " Brown Condor" . His story was very interesting. Or a story about a man named Jonouchi Katsuya who had a will stronger than a Gods. I was thinking of naming it after them..."

"If it was a girl, I heard of a beautiful name from Chris's world,Amagi. After a region from a old friends homeland..."

"But, naming after your sister is ok to..."

Cosmo : "We will see. I don't know when our kid will be born. It could be today or next week, month, or year~..."

The timing of seeds vary from when they sprout. Let's give it time

Tails : "sniffle, sniffle.Yeah, I need to deal with this cold..."

Cosmo: "Here have some more soup~..."

Tails ate the soup and got ready for bed.

Cosmo: "Alright, I will let you rest~..."

Tails: "Thanks, Cosmo..."

Cosmo : "Alright you get some rest~..."

Cosmo paused before going out and looked  Tails

"Ah Tails?"
Cosmo said softly.
Tails looked curious at cosmo

Tails: "Yes?"

Cosmo was looking shy and rubbing her left elbow.

Cosmo: "Would you mind taking me dancing when you get better? I really enjoyed it at the reunion. I would like to do it again~..."

Tails smiled softy.

Tails : "Sure.."
Cosmo smiled cheerfully and waved goodnight.

Cosmo: "Okay, Good night Tails~..."

Tails: "Good night, Cosmo..."

Tails drifted off to sleep

To be continued

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