Reunion pt 3: Echoes of the Phantom

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Tails and Cosmo went to the inside of the Typhoon . Remembering the good and the bad memories.
The old ship was cold it was kind of like walking through a museum.

Cosmo: "It really has been a long time since we were in here~..."

Tails and Cosmo were walking down the hallway

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Tails and Cosmo were walking down the hallway. When they went to a particular room,

Tails:"I remember this room, this is where we had your party. The Chaotix acted very weird..."

Tails looked at the room remembering the experience with a grimacing expression.

Cosmo giggled at the face Tails was making.

Cosmo: "While they were weird, they were extremely helpful and were there when we needed it~..."

Tails and Cosmo looked at the window were they looked at the stars.

Cosmo: "This is were you gave me my pendant after you refurbished it~..."

Tails:"Oh yeah , you still have it?"

Cosmo nodded

Cosmo: "Yes, Cream gave it back to me . I have kept it ever since~..."

Tails remembering that night he looked at Cosmo.

Tails smiled thinking about how nice that event was

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Tails smiled thinking about how nice that event was.
They walked after to the place where Shadow had  cornered them.

Tails: "Man, I really do not want to remember that event. Shadow was really scary when he was trying to get you. I knew I was not stronger than him but I would not let him hurt you..."

Cosmo places her hand on Tails

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Cosmo places her hand on Tails. And looked him in the eyes.

Cosmo: "Yes, but you showed me how brave you are. Sonic and Knuckles were taken out but you didn't back down . You fought on the Ultimate life form to save little old me. Tails , you are amazing~..."

Tails blushes

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Tails blushes

Tails: "Thanks , Cosmo . Remember we're we looked at the lake on Planet Marloim..."

Cosmo: "It was a beautiful sight. It felt like time had slowed down . I wanted to enjoy every minute of that moment~..."

Tails: "Yeah , it's getting late we should get ready for the party tomorrow..."

Cosmo: Yeah let's head back.

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Sonic X Season 4: Joys of the MundaneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora