Shopping and Relaxing

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On a cloudy week day, Cosmo is was invited by Amy and Cream for a girls shopping spree. Also, to find Cosmo a new dress.

There was supposed to be a Blue Typhoon reunion to remember the Metarex War soon.So the girls were planning on getting dresses for the new event.

Cream was excited with Cheese just as excited as she was. With Amy and Cosmo trailing behind them.

Cream had so much energy that she  could not stay still and was bouncing all over the place.

Cream: "Come on! Come on! The shop were me and mother go to is over here!"

The little rabbit sped down the street.

Amy called out to her.

Amy : "Cream! Wait up, do not go to far without us. Man, she really is really energetic today..."

Cosmo smiled and relaxed.

Cosmo: "Maybe because this the first time in a while that the three of us have got together again~..."

Amy grinned but she had a somber look to her face.

She looked up to sky looking at the puffy clouds

Amy: "It has been a rough year. Cosmo, I missed you, the fight with Dark Oak felt like a bad nightmare. Tails was a wreck when you were gone but it was crazy how you got back. Because of a ghost gem with mystical power..."

Cosmo shrugged.

Cosmo: " These past few months have been a weird experience. But I am glad to be with everyone again~..."

Amy looked ahead and saw the shop with Cream holding the door for them.

Cosmo walked past Amy turning around and had a smile on her face.

Cosmo: "Come on, let's not keep her waiting..."

Amy : "Alright~..."

The girls spent most of the day shopping but it was hard to find Cosmo a dress.

They went to many stores to look for the one.

The trio were searching and searching , but no dress really felt like it was special dress.

After a grueling searched , the group went back to Creams house to stay the night.

Vanilla, Cream's mother was at the door waiting on the girls. Her presence had a really motherly aura.

Vanilla: "Hello, girls. How did the shopping go?"

Cream look up to her mother with disappointed eyes.

Cream: "It went okay, but we got Cosmo more clothes but we could not find her that special dress~..."

Cream looked down.

Amy : "Yeah, and we went to many stores to look for one~..."

Cosmo looked worried for her disheartened friends.
Then smiled and gently reassured them .

Cosmo: "Girls, do not worry about it. We can find one later tomorrow..."

Vanilla looked at Cosmo thinking about something and then smiled.

Vanilla: "Tell you what, how about I make you a dress~..."

Cosmo looked at Vanilla surprised

Vanilla winked and put her finger to her lips.

Vanilla: "I will make you a very special dress that will be for you before the reunion. "

Vanilla clasped her hands excitedly.

Vanilla:" I can't wait to get started~..."
Cosmo bowed respectfully

Cosmo: "Thank you, Vanilla~..."

Vanilla went to Cosmo and her like she was her own daughter.

Vanilla: "Any time, now let's eat dinner is going to get cold~..."

The group went to dinner laughing and sharing stories enjoying the rest of their pleasant night.

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