Tower of Okiku pt 3

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Tails woke up resting in a bed. Tails went up and winched in pain.

Tails: "Ah!Dang!!!"

???: "You should not get back up so easily. You took a bad hit~..."

Tails looked up and saw a wolf girl.

Tails: "Who are you??"

??? : "My name is Celica .G Azur a prominent Archaeologist, I have visited this castle many years before. Seems like the spirit got you~..."

Tails: "You investigating the supernatural instances of the missing children..."

Celica: "Yes, I have , I heard about it and had a bad feeling about what was going on. So I came here to check it out~..."

Celica mumbled to herself
"I can't believe she would do this~..."

Tails : "Pardon?  "

Celica: "Anyway  , Who are you?"

Tails: "My name is Tails..."

Celica looked in surprise.

Celica: "Tails, who defeated the Metarex and saved our planet..."

Tails nodded his head

Celica: "Well, let's work together so we can figure out what's going on. It's honor to meet you~..."


Meanwhile of on the other side of castle. Cosmo went around a deep hallway.

Cosmo: "Tails , where are you?.."


Cosmo stopped , hearing the voice. The voice sounded close but still far away. Cosmo had a tiny flashlight which she used to look around.

However, what she saw shook her to her soul.

Paintings of children with their faces contorted in horror.

Cosmo had eyes full of fear.

"Runn.. Runnn .. Before she gets you..."

Cosmo: "Who?"

The tempature started to get cold.

A pair of giant doors on the side started to open up.

A mass of dark energy started to appear until it took shape .

A human girl appeared

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A human girl appeared.

Cosmo: "What!!! The ghost looks like the same species as Chris!But how?"

The ghastly girl raised her right hand. In a voice that sound soft and echoed.

??? : "Disappear~"

Tendrils of dark energy move toward Cosmo. She throws the salt which dissolves the tendril .

And pull out the Bo and looked defiantly at the ghost .And charged the ghost at full speed.

Meanwhile, Tails and Celica were walking down the castle . Looking at the lost artifacts.

The hall Tails was walking down reminded him of the architecture back on Chris's world . Some of the artifacts looked like they do not even belong in this world.

Tails: "Celica why did you come this castle? You do not seem like a horror fanatic..."

Celica looked to a nearby wall.

Celica: "This castle is not normal, this castle should not exist~..."

Tails: "what do you mean?"

Celica: "I have been across the world. The castle's design does not fit in any architecture in any land~..."

"I did not believe it, until I got here ~..."

"When I first got here the castle's materials are similar but different from the materials here on our own planet~..."

"I went inside and went into the library . Some of the material was from this world but the majority was I could not understand it. It was like a alien language~..."

The items were similar to items here but, the ones here are way older .

I started to looked around and found a painting.

Imagine an ancient painting , the family wearing rich medieval clothes

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Imagine an ancient painting , the family wearing rich medieval clothes .

Tails thought to himself . "There humans !!! But, how did they get here without Chaos Control. But then again Eggman got here from Chris's World but , he never said how he got here . And the Chao that Mr. Tanaka found when he was a child how did they get there..."

An loud explosion shook the castle.

Celica: "What was that???"

In the castle main hall

Cosmo was breathing heavily with the staff.

The ghost girl raised her arms charged with energy aimed at Cosmo .

To be continued

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